Page 93 of The Last Fire

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Samael leans both elbows on the edge of the bed and gently pulls down the covers. I bet my flushed face amuses him, genuine smile lighting up his beautiful face.

“On one condition,” he says, looking deep into my eyes, causing me to gaze back at him.

I've told you that his eyes are a dangerous place where, if you're not careful, you can get lost. I had just lost myself in Samael Morgenstern's eyes, and I never want to be found again.

“Anything,” I murmur impatiently, already moistening my lips. If he doesn't kiss me soon, I might faint and forget our first teenage kiss.

“Promise me that you'll save your kisses just for me from now on” his hand rests near my ear, and he balances on one knee, beside my thigh, climbing onto the bed and hovering over me.

Only kiss him? Forever? That sounds like a relationship. Does Samael want us to be together?

Oh, hell, yes!

“I promise,” I murmur, hypnotized, drifting in the dark ocean of his eyes, enchanted by the intensity of the moment. Samael starts getting closer to my face, and I close my eyes, not because I don't want to see him kissing me, but because I can't bear to watch his gaze lingering on my lips without fainting. Emotions carry me away, they're heavy, so heavy that I feel like sinking into the soft mattress of my bed, but his lips press against mine, and suddenly, I start floating. His intoxicating scent envelops me, the softness of his lips, the warmth of his mouth, his hand touching my hair, and the sweet weight of his body over mine as we sink together into the sheets that now smell like us.

The moment of my first kiss is perfect.

Samael is perfect.

His kiss takes my breath away, but I let him take it all.

It's special, he's my sweetheart.

At first, he doesn't move, just gently presses his lips against mine, but soon I feel his lips seeking to intertwine with mine. He captures my lower lip between his, moving them slowly, trying to fit them together better. I start moving my lips too, imitating his motion, hoping that maybe, just maybe, they will align, but they feel so soft, as if they'll never find each other, our mouths moving tirelessly.

His taste is delightful, and when I breathe, his scent fills my lungs, and I feel like I'm in heaven.

I think we've been like this for too long, because my mouth starts to hurt, and the fact that he doesn't complain at all makes me think that I might not be the first for him, which saddens me a little. But how can I be anything but happy when the lips of Samael, the boy I've always liked, are pressed against mine?

We kiss a lot, and in my mind, the song “Call out my name” by The Weeknd starts playing. It's a kiss for all the wasted days that slipped by because, in the morning, I hear knocking on the door and realize I forgot to set the alarm. I can't even remember how I fell asleep, but panic rushes through me as I see Samael lying next to me, and I don’t know what to do.

Samael signals that he'll go out the window, but as he attempts to do so, we see my dad getting ready to leave for church. My fragile heart can barely handle the pressure of the thought that my mom might find him here, so I hide him in the closet and quickly open the door with my heart pounding like a rabbit's.

“Becca, since when are you keeping the door closed?” My mom enters the room, looking around suspiciously.

“Ever since I needed privacy? Mom, I'm almost sixteen,” I say convincingly, and my heart races as I realize the makeshift bed on the floor is still laid out.

I put my hand to my forehead, feeling like jumping out the window. How could I forget about the bed?

“What's this here, and what's that smell?” Mom opens the window and starts airing out my bedroom.

“I made a bed for... my imaginary friend,” I blurt out without thinking, and I keep glancing towards the closet.

“Becca, you're almost sixteen, as you just said,” Mom seems even more suspicious, but I try to strengthen my argument.

“I have this feeling that we have ghosts. I keep hearing noises at night. I thought it was because there were no empty beds in this house, and the ghost had nowhere to sleep. So, I made a bed for it myself, and ever since then, the strange noises stopped,” I gesture wildly and stand in front of the closet.

“We don't have such things in our house. Your father would be furious if he heard this. Grow up a little,” my mom sighs, picking up some clothes from the floor and intending to put them in the closet.

“They're dirty,” I stop her, refusing to budge from my spot in front of the closet.

“Ah... Then put them in the laundry basket,” she replies.

„I'll do it right after I get ready for school. Oh, look at the time, it's already late,” I rush to the bedside clock, pretending to be worried, but my real concern lies with Samael's legs, which are too long to fit inside the closet.

“Okay, that’s enough. You brought another animal from the street into our house without permiss...”

The closet doors open, and my mom gets startled, muffling a scream, while Samael stands frozen behind some clothes on hangers, with only his long legs visible.
