Page 12 of Dead Last

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“He isn’t my friend.”

“He played Scrabble with you,” Ray said, “and he helped rescue my grandbaby. That doesn’t sound like a friend to you?”

“Kane can’t know about the situation. It would get Gun and Dusty in trouble.”

“What about someone who works closely with him?” Nana Pratt suggested. “A good secretary knows everything her CEO knows.”

She made a good point. Unfortunately, Kane’s right hand was his head of security, and she seemed to hate me. Still, it was worth a conversation. A lifetime of lying meant I could conjure a believable story as to why I wanted the information. And Josie didn’t care about me enough to probe any deeper.

“I’ll leave the bowl outside. If anybody tries to dump the rest of the candy into their bag, you have my permission to go full poltergeist on them.”

“Where are you going?” Ray asked.

“To a place I’m not wanted to ask someone who dislikes me a few questions she won’t want to answer.”

He chuckled. “Have fun.”


The Devil’s Playground was busier than I anticipated given that it was Halloween. In my experience, supernaturals stayed home and avoided the whole scene. Instead, they spilled out of the nightclub, and the sound of rock music along with them. As I passed a trio of vampires, I noticed two of them were dressed as angels, and the third was dressed as a nurse with a blood bag. The nurse raised the blood bag in greeting. So much for a quiet conversation with the director of security. Josie would be busy tonight.

The bouncer’s gaze skimmed me from head to toe. “You’re not in costume.”

“Sure I am. I’m dressed as someone who doesn’t give a shit.”

He didn’t crack a smile. “Can I see your invitation?”

“Is that really necessary? We’re old friends by now, Larry.”

“We’re not friends.”

“But we could be if you opened your heart just a teeny tiny bit.” I dug through my purse for anything that might cement our bond. I plucked one of the remaining boxes of Nerds from the bottom and held it out to him. “Trick-or-treat.”

He contemplated the offering. “I’ve seen Camryn eating these. I’ve always wanted to try them.”

“Here’s your chance.”

Larry took the box and jerked his head for me to enter.

“I expect a full review by the time I leave,” I called over my shoulder. That had to be the lamest bribe I’d ever successfully offered.

The volume of the music nearly blasted me backward as I entered the club. Clearly no one was expected to converse tonight, which would make my reason for being here a bit of a challenge. If I had realized the customers would be in costume, I would’ve donned my own disguise. Anything to avoid being spotted by the club’s owner. Kane Sullivan would think I was here to see him, and I didn’t want to give him that impression.

Orange and black cocktails seemed to be the drink du jour. They sported tiny bats on the end of the toothpicks. A nice touch.

I scanned the sea of masks and painted faces for Josephine Banks. I figured she’d be able to shed a little more light on Vincenzo Magnarella in advance of my lunch date tomorrow. Little did she know I was giving her an opportunity to prevent me from screwing up her boss’s relationship with the infamous mobster.

I ducked behind a customer dressed as a unicorn to hide from the bar, where Kane was usually holding court. I wasn’t sure whether he’d be dressed for the occasion or wearing one of his expensive custom suits.

I maneuvered my way through the closely pressed bodies, but I couldn’t find Josie. It was unlikely the vampire would be dressed in a costume when she couldn’t even wear a smile.

I tapped a passing waitress on the shoulder. “Is Josie around?”

The waitress shook her head. “She hates Halloween. Mr. Sullivan always gives her the night off.”

Now that was the attitude I was accustomed to, although it sucked for me. I needed information and had precious little time to obtain it.

I surveyed the club, wondering if there was anyone present I could interrogate. In the end, I gave up. I didn’t know too many residents as it was, and everyone here was in costume. Now I just had to slip out unnoticed by the prince of hell himself, which shouldn’t be too tricky amidst all these crazy costumes. I was basically a shadow.
