Page 15 of One Good Move

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“Have you been watching me, Grayson?” She raises a brow mockingly.

I shrug. What’s the point in lying? I have been curious about what she’s been up to. “I may have looked out my window in your direction a time or two.”

She blushes. “I’ve been painting… among a few other fixer-upper projects. I’m a night owl. I’ve never been the best sleeper, so I like to get things done late at night.” She lowers her eyes, and something tells me there’s more to that story. I leave it for now. “Anyways, I’d better go and tackle the mess waiting for me. I’ll see you around, Grayson.”

“Can I give you a ride home?” The crowd has thinned out, there are only a dozen or so people left enjoying the warm summer night.

“Thanks, but I have my car here. It was good seeing you. Get home safe.”

And before I have the chance to say anything more, she’s heading for the exit.

But 10 minutes later when I get to the parking lot, I do a double take. Is that Sierra standing next to her SUV? An SUV with a flat tire?




“Need a hand?” I ask, kneeling to get a closer look at her blown tire.

Sierra ends the call she’s on with a huff. “It looks like I ran over a stupid nail. I called my brother to come get me, but he didn’t answer. I’m going to call a cab.”

She swipes her phone back to life and starts searching for the number.

“Put your phone away, Sierra. I can change your tire for you. You’ll be on your way in no time.” I stand and round the vehicle, popping her trunk to look for a spare.

“It’s not in there,” she grimaces. “I might have taken it out to have it repaired a little while ago and then I might not have gotten around to putting it back.”

I shake my head and laugh.

“Are you laughing at me?”

Wiping the smile from my face, I slam her trunk shut. “I would never laugh at you—okay, maybe just a little.”

I watch her roll her eyes, then fold her arms over her chest. The gesture makes her tits pop up and I’m a man, so I sneak a peek.

“I’m glad you think it’s funny. Go ahead, have a good laugh at my expense.” She looks at her SUV with a frown.

“Listen, my dad owns a garage. I’ll get this fixed for you tomorrow. But it’s staying here for the night, so make sure you lock it up.”


My eyes narrow at her. “Get in my truck, Sierra. I’m driving you home.”

She nods sheepishly. “Okay.” Then she smiles the prettiest half-smile that sends a shiver over my skin. The feeling in my stomach is all fluttery. It’s some weird shit that I’m not used to. Girls smile at me all the time and I’ve never felt anything like this before. Not once.

“Thank you, Grayson.” She follows me to my truck after locking her Pathfinder, and I open the passenger door for her.

Once she’s in, I round the front of the truck and slide into my seat. “You’re going to owe me for this,” I tease her. “This is really out of my way.”

“Just add it to my tab,” she groans as I turn up the stereo. ‘You’ by Dan and Shay floats through the speakers. “I really do appreciate this. I’ll give you my Visa number to pay for the repair.”

“All good. We’ll get it figured out.”

Now if I could only get a handle on my overactive libido because everything Sierra does makes me think about sex. My brain is flipping through images of her legs spread wide, ass in the air with her knees sunk into my mattress. I think I might pass out. Having her this close to me and breathing in her intoxicating coconut scent is not helping the situation south of my border. I didn’t even think I liked coconuts, but news flash— I definitely do.

I shift a little in my seat, thinking about Jake and the meat grinder he’d put my dick in if he knew the dirty things I wanted to do to his sister. That instantly fixes the half chub in my pants. I exhale.
