Page 16 of One Good Move

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I roll down the window, the other hand on the steering wheel, trying to act casual. “Have you met Holden or Tucker yet, the neighbors to the left of me?”

“I haven’t, no, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. Jake told me about you guys all living on Haven Harbor. He said the four of you are like brothers.”

“Did he also give you an earful about never hanging out with us?” I laugh. “I can only imagine how difficult he’s going to make it for the first guy here who tries to date you. Has he always been wound that tight?”

She looks out the window, and I get the sense my question may have been more loaded than I meant it to be. “Jake has the biggest heart,” she says. “And to answer your question: yes, he’s always been wound that tight.”

She reaches for her braid, pulling it over her shoulder, playing with the ends. I shift my eyes back to the road and stay quiet, letting her go on.

“My brother has been through a lot,” she begins, no doubt referring to their parents’ death. “He was forced to grow up a lot quicker than he should have. He may come across as a bit overprotective, but he means well.”

Struggling to find the rights words, and not wanting to muck it up, I say, “Jake is a great friend and I respect the hell out of him. He’s one of the best guys I know.”

I look over at her and suddenly feel a twinge of guilt. We aren’t doing anything wrong, but Jake would probably see it differently. He would probably throw a knee to my dick if he knew about my history with his sister or the filthy things I’ve been wanting to do to her since seeing her again.

I turn down Haven Harbor with my mind a mess. I don’t want this time with Sierra to end. I’m not the guy who asks girls to hang around. I’m down for a good time, we fuck, and it’s all over by the next morning. So what the hell is happening to me? Why am I sitting here desperately trying to figure out a way to see this girl again?

Sierra reaches for the door handle as soon as I pull the truck in front of my house. “Thanks for the ride and for taking care of my tire, Grayson.” She smiles, and somehow her pretty grin relaxes me. Things between us feel... friendly, and that’s what I wanted. I guess.

But as she opens the door, I stop her. “Sierra, wait.” My hand reaches for her arm, and when I touch her, she shifts in her seat and looks at me cautiously.

“Would you want to sit on the porch one night with me, or go to the beach?” I ask her, stumbling a little over my words. “I mean, as friends. Just friends.”

It sounds awkward, like I’m asking her on a date. I’m not, but I still find myself holding my breath and hoping that her answer is yes.

“As friends, Grayson? That’s it?”

Not the least bit. That’s definitely notit. But I can’t tell her that.

There’s nothing innocent about the things I want to do to her. But I won’t because Jake is my friend. I swear.

“Friends. I want to be your friend, Sierra,” I say. She looks at me, suspicion in her eyes. “We can do whatever you want. We don’t have to go to the beach. I can help you fix up the house instead and you can feed me. It’s a win-win.”

She sighs. “Grayson, that’s all it can be. I’m not looking to date anyone, and even if I was, it certainly can’t be you. We both know why.”

It’s obvious she’s referring to her brother. “Got it. Loud and clear. I promise I’ll be good. No trying to date you. No fuzzy feelings. I’ll keep my hands to myself. I’ve got this. So, are you going to let me come over sometime?”

She blows out a breath, shaking her head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. You’re not going to give up, are you?”

I shrug. “Probably not.”

Her eyes narrow in on mine. “Fine, we can hang out.”

“You mean it?”

“Don’t make this into a bigger deal than it is. I could change my mind.”

“You won’t.” I wink.

She blows out a breath. “So cocky.”

Then she slides out of my truck, shutting the door behind her and leaving me sitting in the driver’s seat with a stupid smile on my face.

It only takes a moment before I’m already missing her wondering how long I’ll have to wait to see her again.


The musclesin my biceps flex as I push the paddle through the water, feet planted firmly on my board as I glide closer to shore. I tip my face towards the sun and inhale the salty air, enjoying the feel of the wind blowing through my hair.

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