Page 25 of One Good Move

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“I know that.”Does he think I don’t?

He sighs, narrowing his eyes at me. “Then you know she isn’t the kind of girl you fuck around. Just be careful. She’s not going to be okay with no-strings.”

His words sting, but I try not to let them get to me. He isn’t exactly wrong. I’m 27 years old and have never been in a real, committed relationship save for Layla, but that was almost six years ago. Since then, I’ve had my fair share of hookups, but I haven’t so much as thought about another woman since Sierra moved in next door.

I’m hooked on her sweet smile, not to mention the most intoxicating body I’ve ever laid eyes on. When I’m with her, I don’t worry about who her brother is, or all the reasons we can’t work together. And when I’m not with her, she’s all I’ve been able to think about. For fuck’s sake, I can’t count the times I’ve jacked off in the last two weeks to dirty images of Sierra and all the filthy things I want to do to her.

But as long as I’m not actually touching her, I’m not doing anything wrong.

Jake is just going to have to figure out a way to deal with the fact that I’m hanging out with his sister, because I have no plans of stopping.

“Don’t make this bigger than what it is, Beck. She’s just moved back to town. I’m only trying to be a friend.”

“A friend who will be missing his favorite body part when her brother finds out. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Fuck, I know he’s right.But when I think about the way Sierra laughs, and how her eyes light up, I forget all about Jake.

“I’ll catch you later. I’ve got work to do,” I say, taking several steps towards the door.

“Catch you later. And Gray—”

I turn in the threshold of his office to face him. “Yeah?”

“If something does happen between you and Sierra, be honest with Jake and tell him before he finds out from someone else.”

Beckett stares at me for a long moment, letting his advice sink in, then nods and turns back to his computer screen.

Nothing ishappening between Sierra and I, although I’m not denying that I wish there was. After lunch yesterday, I went home to my empty house. I turned on TSN, folded the laundry that I had been ignoring all week and did everything I could think of to stop myself from looking out my front window at the yellow house beside mine. All I wanted was another glimpse of Sierra, even after spending the afternoon with her. That’s when I knew that I was screwed. Drowning in Sierra, so deep that I don’t want to be saved.

I still don’t know what to do about it. All I really know is that being around Sierra feels good.Like sunshine.

As I get to my office door, Grant from my team rounds the corner, stopping when he’s a few feet away from me. “Heads up… HR scheduled a last-minute meeting at two. The entire team. Check your emails. It just came through.”

“On it,” I nod. That’s strange. I can’t think of any reason why HR would be calling us in. “Any idea what it’s about?”

“None. Who knows what they’re up to?”

“I guess we’ll see soon enough.”

Grant grimaces, passing by me on the way to his office. My fingers scratch through the stubble on my jaw. Whatever it is, it’s not going to ruin my good mood. I’m probably overthinking it. Everything will be fine.

There’s still a smile on my face when I take the elevator up to the third floor for the afternoon meeting, but it doesn’t stay there for long. Geoff, head of the department, is standing at the front of the room, and the rest of my team are all seated around the boardroom table.

“Hey, everyone,” I say, my eyes focused on Geoff as I try to get a feel for the temperature in the room.

“Grayson.” Geoff nods to a chair. “Take a seat, we’re almost ready to get started.”

I slip into the chair beside Grant. “What the fuck is this all about?” he mutters under his breath.

“No idea.”

Just then the door opens and all eyes in the room swerve to watch a woman in a black, fitted pantsuit and heels walk into the room. Her hair is pulled tightly back from her face, secured in a sleek ponytail at the base of her neck. She’s looking down at the phone in her hand, but when she looks up, her eyes immediately find mine. Then everyone else is the room fades away.

What is she doing here?

Blair. I’m pretty sure I’m remembering that right. Fuck, it is Blair.

It takes a monumental effort to keep my expression even as a large lump forms in my throat.
