Page 49 of One Good Move

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Twenty minutes later, I’m kicking off my shoes in my front entrance, pulling my shirt off over my head and praying like hell Sierra’s sprawled out on top of my bed, preferably in her birthday suit, when I stride down the hallway to my bedroom, my voice teasing, “You better be in my bed naked, so help me God.”

“Hi,” she says, when I push open the door. “Took you long enough.”

Fuck me.

She’s curled up under my covers, her arms stretched over her head, and as far as I can tell she isn’t wearing a thing.

I stumble out of my pants, then my briefs as Sierra giggles. My cock is ecstatic to see her, giving her the one-eyed salute.

“Someone’s eager to see me.”

“He’s more than eager, he’s ready to fuck you into oblivion,” I say, peeling the covers back and crawling in next to her. She’s naked, like I hoped. She turns onto her side to face me and because I’m hard as a rock and aching for her, I pull her body against me tightly.

Sierra smiles and rolls herself onto my chest, pressing the lightest kiss to my lips. I pull back slightly to look at her, my eyes locking on hers, and I realize in this moment that she is the only girl on this planet for me. The only girl I’ve ever felt like I can’t live without.

So, I start from the beginning, from the first time we met.

“You rocked me in Miami, sunshine, right from the start. Besides being the hottest thing I had ever laid eyes on, you were funny and intelligent and you made everyone around you happier just by being in the room. And the more I’ve gotten to know you, the more I see how amazing you really are. You’re sweet to your grandma, a loyal sister, a pretty impressive home renovator and you’re also incredible as fuck in bed.”

Sierra’s cute smile turns into a laugh. I slip my hand over the curve of her waist, where soft skin meets my fingertips.

“I’m serious, baby. I want you all to myself. I don’t wanna just fuck, I want a relationship.”

She shifts her weight a bit, propping herself on an elbow to look at me. “How can you be so sure? No offense, Gray, but commitment isn’t really your thing.”

“People can change, Sierra.”

She nods, her expression thoughtful. “I didn’t mean it like that. I know people can change—”

“Then you understand that meeting you has changed me. We have incredible chemistry. I like being around you. I get this stupid, happy feeling when I’m with you. You make me laugh and I drive you crazy with my insanely good looks,” I add with a grin, teasing her. “We’re good together, sunshine. Admit it. We make each other really happy.”

Somehow in the last month Sierra has become the first person I think about in the morning and the person I can’t stop thinking about at night when I’m trying to get some sleep. She’s always on my mind, whether I’m at work, or out with the guys. Our flirty texts have become the best parts of my day, apart from those moments when we can actually be together.

She lifts a hand to my forehead, lightly brushing her fingers through my hair. “You do make me incredibly happy, Gray.”

I haul her on top of me and kiss her, widening my legs so she settles in between them. “Now that that’s out of the way, can I shove my tongue down your throat? I’ve been fucking dying to kiss you.”

Then I roll her onto her back, wrapping her legs around my waist, and show her exactly why she’s mine.




“This is so much better than microwave popcorn.”

“Literally anything is better than microwave popcorn,” Jules answers flatly, watching me toss a kernel in the air and try to catch it in my mouth.

“You look like a seal,” she laughs, tossing a piece in my direction.

We’re sitting in the dugout assigned to The Seaside waiting for the charity baseball game to start.

Grayson is on the other side of the diamond with Beckett, who’s holding 1-year-old Maya in his arms. Jules’ dad, Michael Bennett, is there too, the four of them posing together for the photographer hired to capture images of the day. I watch Grayson reach for Maya, and she goes happily into his arms. I can’t look away. He looks hotter than hell in black athletic shorts, his red and white Liberty jersey, and a backwards baseball hat—and I didn’t think it was possible, but the fact that he’s holding a toddler makes him even more attractive.

How am I supposed to process this image without my ovaries exploding?

Good god. I am toast.
