Page 50 of One Good Move

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I’ve been trying all day to take my eyes off him, but he isn’t making it easy. And it only gets more difficult when his eyes find mine, his smile slipping as his gaze washes over me. I try not to combust under the heat of his stare, the look in his eyes so intense that I know he’s struggling too. It feels impossible being so close but not being able to touch each other.

But we’re still keeping things under wraps, so stealing glances at each other is all we can do.

He smiles at me softly before he’s pulled into a conversation. I force myself to tear my eyes away from him and try to catch my breath. I’m coming down from the high of Grayson’s smoldering looks when Jules smacks the side of my thigh.

“What the hell was that all about?” she asks, raising her chin to where Grayson is standing on the field.

“What?” I shrug, feigning ignorance.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Jules argues. “Grayson just eye fucked the hell out of you. Don’t even try to deny it. What is going on with you two? You better tell me everything.”

My cheeks heat until I’m positive they’re the color of tomatoes. “There’s nothing to tell.”

“Bullshit there isn’t. I’m not buying that for a second. He just looked at you like Beckett looked at me when we were hiding our relationship from my brothers,” she shoots back. “Maybe I should go over there and ask him myself.” She makes a move to stand up from the bench and my hand flies to her arm, pulling her back down beside me.

I sigh. “Fine… but you can’t tell a single soul. I’m serious, Jules. We don’t want it getting back to Jake before I have a chance to talk to him myself.”

Jules arches a brow, rubbing her palms together. “Ooh, this is so good. A secret relationship. Forbidden love. So much fun. Now spill.”

If anyone knows about forbidden relationships, it’s Jules. She and Beckett snuck around for weeks before telling her family that they were together, afraid of how they would take Jules dating a rival from their family business’ top competitor. I feel safe trusting her with this secret, knowing that she’s been in a similar position.

I tell her how I tried to stay away when I first found out that Grayson was my neighbor—how I tried so badly not to fall for him, but his persistence won out. Then, with a tingle in my chest, I tell her about the night on my porch when he kissed me, about the night he showed up at my door to take me paddle boarding.

She listens with undivided attention as I tell her about all the nights and mornings we’ve spent sneaking around. When I finish, she takes a deep breath then flings her arms around me and squeals. “This is so exciting! He’s a great guy, Sierra. I can’t believe this. I am so happy for you.”

My eyes float over to Grayson. “This has to stay between us, okay? I don’t know what we are yet or where this is going to go. I’m scared, Jules. Neither one of us wanted a relationship before this thing between us started. How do I know this isn’t going to blow up in my face?”

My throat tightens. I’m terrified of getting hurt by Grayson, of letting myself fall for him only to lose him and end up with a broken heart. But the alternative of living without him in my life just doesn’t feel like an option. I’ve never wanted to hand my heart over to another person before. It feels scary and wonderful all at the same time.

Jules sighs, squeezing my arm. “There are no guarantees when you fall for someone. That’s what makes it feel so good,” she says, shifting to face me on the bench. “It’s a leap that you need to decide to make and it’s scary, but if you never take the jump you’ll never know if he’s the one for you.”

My heart is in my throat as I stare at him across the field where he’s tossing a baseball around with Beckett. “I’m scared to death.”

“I get that, Sierra, I really do—but don’t push him away before you give him a fair shot. You deserve to be happy. You deserve that great big love,” she says. “And if things don’t work out and you fall apart, then I’ll be there to help you pick up the pieces.”

I lean into her shoulder just as we’re called out onto the field to start the game. Jules and I line up on our side of the diamond facing The Liberty team.

The stands are full of spectators—Jake, Tucker, Holden and Aubrey included—as we sing the national anthem. Then Beckett makes a moving speech about his sister Bean, who stands next to him, that makes me blink back tears.

When Beckett has finished speaking, Mr. Bennett takes the microphone to say a few words. I try to focus on his speech, but I can’t stop myself from stealing glances at Grayson.

He looks so good it hurts.

Suddenly his eyes lock on mine, lighting up when I flash him a smile.

He winks.

I blush.

He doesn’t look away.

My heart squeezes in my chest.

It’s all too much. His eyes sear a hole right through me with my brother in the stands less than 100 feet away, our friends scattered throughout the ballpark. It feels like a million eyes are on us but neither of us seems able to look away.

Grayson licks his bottom lip, shaking his head. I swallow, unable to control the heat crawling up my spine. Before I combust, I force myself to rip my eyes off him.

Suddenly the speeches are over and someone yells, “Let’s play ball!”
