Page 51 of One Good Move

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Three hours later, The Liberty has beaten The Seaside 8-5. I barely survived watching the sexy way Grayson cracked the ball out of the park, how his muscles flexed as he ran the bases. We snuck glances at each other the entire time, my temperature rising with each passing minute on the clock, and by the time the game was over all I wanted to do was drag him home and devour him.

“Killing me all day long, sunshine,” Grayson says in a low voice. “I hate not being able to touch you.”

I shiver and turn around to see him smirking behind me. “I can’t suffer for much longer, Sierra. I need to kiss you.”

I vibrate with the need to kiss him too, but there is no way I’m going to give into that feeling here, with Jake talking to Beckett and Holden just feet away from us.

“Meet me over there in five minutes.” He motions towards the dugout, already backing away.


“Be a good girl, sunshine,” he says. “Five minutes.”

Then he’s walking away while my heart beats triple time in my chest.Is he crazy?

This is such a bad idea. But my traitorous feet follow him anyway.

When I turn the corner of the batter’s box, he’s on me in seconds, pushing me against the wall behind the dugout, my back hitting the cold cement as one of his hands cradles the back of my head. I know this is way too risky, but I can’t put up any resistance. I want him too badly.

“You didn’t really think I could go all day without getting my lips on yours,” he growls, his lips finding the edge of my jaw.

I whimper under his touch, losing the fight to regain control of my senses. “Gray…” I breathe. “Aren’t you worried someone will see us?”

“Nope,” he answers, not backing off. “I need you too bad right now. This’ll be quick.”

Then his lips trail a path over my jaw, to my mouth. I open for him as his tongue greedily pushes inside, letting him kiss me despite the consequences of getting caught. I’m not sure how he’s getting me to go along with this. I’m not ready for anyone to know what we’re doing, especially whenIdon’t even know what we’re doing. What I do know, though, is that Grayson has this incredible power over me. He takes control and is somehow able to coax me into doing anything, like he owns my body.

Grayson is bold, he takes what he wants, and it’s clear how much he wants me right now. I want him the same way—I want him to keep kissing me, to ease the pulse between my thighs. I bite my bottom lip to stop the whimper that threatens to escape when his mouth kisses a path down my neck, one hand sliding up my bare skin under my jersey, the other hand tangled in my hair. We’re being too careless, but there is nothing I can do to stop it.

After moving back to my mouth and sucking on my bottom lip, Grayson pulls back, his eyes flashing quickly to the corner of the dugout. What the hell are we thinking? We could have easily been caught.

“We’ll finish this tonight, sunshine,” he says, tugging his hand through his hair, motioning for me to go first. I pat my hair down and walk past him towards the field, but he grabs my waist and pulls my back into his chest.

“I mean it, Sierra. I’m going to feed you my cock tonight before I fuck you senseless,” he whispers in my ear before loosening his grasp on me.

Damn him and his filthy mouth. I inhale a deep breath and round the corner of the dugout to make my way to the field, trying to gather my wits, praying that no one saw us.

That’s when I run face first into a hard chest.


“Shit! Sorry, Sierra.”

My heart freezes when I hear Tucker’s voice as I round the corner. Tuck is staring down at Sierra with wide eyes that only grow wider when he looks over her shoulder and spots me with my hand on my mouth, wiping away Sierra’s lip gloss. Neither Sierra nor I say a word to Tuck, but it’s clear that he knows exactly what we were doing. It’s written all over his face.

He smirks at me and opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off before he has the chance. “This stays between us, Tuck. I mean it.”

“Holy fuck,” he says, shaking his head, looking from me to Sierra with a pleased grin on his face. “You two are… holy shit… Jake is going to lose his mind. Gray, it’s been nice knowing you, man. You are going to be murdered for this.”

“Keep your voice down,” I warn. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Got it? And no one is going to die.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince him or me.

“Fine, but seriously. This is awesome. I’m so down for this. You’ve got my blessing—”

“We don’t need your blessing,” I tell him, shaking my head. “But thanks.”

“Tucker, look… I’d like to be the one to tell my brother, and I know it’s a lot to ask but please just don’t say anything to him about this,” Sierra pleads, a crease marring her forehead.

Tucker nods. “Lock and key, Sierra,” he promises, miming turning a key at his lips and then tossing it away. “I won’t say a thing. Besides, I like Gray too much to watch your brother chop off his dick. Your secret is safe with me.”
