Page 56 of One Good Move

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“Did you ever doubt me?”

“Honest answer?” I ask. He nods. “I’ve never met a man in his twenties who likes to garden so yeah, I doubted you. But I stand corrected. What got you into it?”

He looks happy as he continues to plant more pansies. His brown hair falls over his forehead as he works, his veiny forearms tan from the sun.

“My mom taught me. The garden is where she used to let her hair down. She was always covered in dirt— under her fingernails, all over her knees.” He wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. “She spent summers outside in her garden and I used to help her. I guess I grew to love it.”

“Aw, you’re a momma’s boy. I like that about you.”

“Shucks, Si, you’re gonna make me blush,” Tucker jokes, dusting the soil from his hands.

We fall quiet for a while, working together in comfortable silence until every flower I purchased is planted. Finally, we stand up and survey the colorful pots. He lifts his hand for a high-five.

“We’re a damn good team,” he says. “Where do you want them?”

“Right over there,” I tell him, pointing to the steps leading to my front door. “On either side of the walkway would be great.”

“At your command,” he says, hiking one of the pots into his arms and carting it towards the house. “You got a hose nearby? These beauties need a drink.”

I grin at him. Tucker is a cool guy, and he seems like he’d make a good friend. “I do. I’ll grab it for you.”

Once he’s thoroughly watered the pots, he bends forward and takes a drink from the spray. The water drips down his chin drenching the front of his T-shirt.

I watch him and laugh. “You look like a damn dog, Tuck.”

“I think I’d make a very handsome dog, but what I think you’re actually trying to say is that I look sexy.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh yeah, like a hot fireman, Tucker. If you keep this up, they’ll give you your own month in the calendar.”

“Watch out, or you’re going to need this hose to cool down,” he says, jokingly. “Your boyfriend is gonna be mad if he comes home and catches you enjoying the view.”

“You’re a good time, Tuck… I’m happy we’re friends.”

“I knew I’d win you over. And I’m glad that we’re friends too, Si,” he says with a carefree shrug. “I also think you make Gray really happy. Don’t tell him I said it, but he’s smitten with you.”

I return his smile as he claps my shoulder before heading across the lawn. “Gotta get ready for a golf game. I’ll see you soon, Si.”

“Later, Tuck. Thanks for the help.” I watch him walk away with mixed emotions. Asking Tucker to keep our secret has been wearing on me especially since he’s been so sweet to me.

But it does feel good to have made one more friend in Reed Point.

* * *

For the nextweek I keep busy with work and the renos at the house. I see Grayson as often as I can, the two of us sneaking over to one another’s houses just about every night. I’ve never slept better than I do when I’m in his arms. He seems to keep the nightmares at bay.

I haven’t seen my brother, but we’ve talked on the phone. From what I can gather, he’s been busy with the girl he’s been seeing. Unfortunately, her daughter did end up breaking her arm from a fall off the monkey bars and Jake has been spending a lot of time with the two of them since. It hasn’t felt right to talk to him about Grayson over the phone, especially when he seems to have so much on his mind.

But I can’t help but wonder… what would have happened if I had told him that night over dinner, if he hadn’t had to take off so quickly? Maybe Grayson and I would be a real couple right now, without all the sneaking around. Or maybe Jake would have completely freaked out and demanded we stop seeing each other all together. I’m not one to waste time onwhat ifs. For now, this is just how it is.

The trip to Holden’s uncle’s cabin in Cape May is finally here. I had hoped Grayson and I would find a way to drive up together, but it felt weird to insist on going with him when Beckett and Jules had room for me in their car. I’m worried that this whole weekend will be weird, sleeping alone while my boyfriend is in a room just steps away. Having to pretend Grayson is just a friend when really, he’s so much more.

The drive to the Cape is around two and a half hours, but thanks to Beckett’s killer country music playlist and plenty of snacks, the trip feels much quicker. We arrive to find Holden and Aubrey in the kitchen, already firing up the margarita machine. It’s a beautiful home: two storeys with a gabled roof, white with black shutters and a thicket of ivy clinging to the exterior. It’s homey and cozy and the perfect place for a weekend away with friends. There is plenty of room, a spacious kitchen, and a beautiful view of the coast from the patio.

Holden is a gracious host, passing out margaritas and then showing us to our rooms. I’m in the room next to Beckett and Jules, and I toss my bag on the chair and resist the urge to flop onto the double bed, suddenly tired from the drive up.

Instead, I head back downstairs, wanting to be there when Grayson arrives.


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