Page 58 of One Good Move

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The night startsoff a little awkward. I can tell Sierra feels just as weird about this as I do, unsure how to act around me in a room full of people. But after an hour or so and a couple of drinks, we’ve loosened up and are having a good time with everyone outside on the patio.

I’m midway through an intense game of cornhole with Tuck and Holden when I steal a glance at my girlfriend. Sierra is sitting in a lawn chair talking to Aubrey and Jules under the glow of a string of Edison lights. I’ve kept tabs on her all night, itching to have my hands on her. Every few minutes our eyes lock and I have to remind myself to settle down.

Jules says something that makes Sierra laugh and the sound of it sends a shiver up my spine. I drink her in, from her long, loose waves to the leggings that hug her ass to the sweater that has slipped off one of her shoulders.


I tear my eyes off Sierra, looking over to Tucker, Holden, and Beckett, who are all staring at me expectantly.


“Take your shot,” Beckett barks. “Jesus, earth to Grayson.”

I take a long sip from my lime margarita, then toss a blue beanbag, landing it a solid foot from the hole.

“Better luck next time.” Tucker says after sinking his beanbag and hitting 21 points, winning the game. “I mopped the floor with your asses.”

I couldn’t care less. If staring at Sierra means I lost the game, it was well worth it.

“Cornhole King… the ladies are going to be banging down your door to have a shot with you. Looks like your fuckboy days aren’t behind you after all,” I tease, raising my empty glass to him. “I’m going to refill.”

I head straight inside, needing a mental reset from watching Sierra all night from across the yard. I sit alone at the kitchen island, scrolling my phone, hoping it will calm the pent-up frustration I feel from looking but not touching Sierra. Then I pour myself another drink.

I’m about to take my first sip when I hear the sliding glass door open. I turn to see my girl walk through the door towards me.

“Hi Gray,” she murmurs.

The sound of my name on her lips is enough to send shivers over my entire body.

“Hi sunshine,” I reply, feeling a rush of relief at finally being alone with her. I’m pretty sure Sierra senses it when she crosses the room and after a quick look to her left and right, slides her arms around my waist.

“Having fun?” she asks into my chest.

“I am now,” I tell her, spreading my legs wide, pulling her body between them.

“How’s my girl?”

“Better now,” she says, tilting her head back to look up at me with a challenge in her eyes. “I’d be better if you kissed me.”

I glance at the sliding door, then at the window with a view of the backyard. We’re the only ones inside and no one is in sight, so I take advantage of the moment and lean in to kiss her. She melts into my arms.

I inhale the kiss, savoring the closeness of her lips, the scent of her skin, the feel of her body against mine. She tastes like lime and sugar, just like she did that first night together in Miami. Only now we’ve come full circle and she’s all mine.Mine.I sigh against her mouth when she breaks the kiss.

“I was just getting started,” I pout.

“I could tell, that’s why I stopped you before you decided to push me up against the kitchen counter.”

“Mmm… very good idea. My friend here agrees too,” I say, pushing my hardening cock into her abdomen.

“You can never get enough, can you?” she asks with a laugh.

“Nope, not when it comes to you. I’m always starved for you.”

She smiles, her eyes sparkling, and I feel the deep inhale she takes against my chest. “You can always have me,” she murmurs, her voice soft.

My pulse whooshes under my skin. She said the words so easily, and God, I hope that she means them. It’s starting to be hard to imagine my life without her.

She runs her fingertips under the cotton of my T-shirt and my skin erupts in goosebumps. My eyes drop to her lips, wanting—no, needing—to have them on mine again, but thankfully I remember where we are because suddenly the kitchen door slides open.

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