Page 89 of One Good Move

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It’s Sunday morning, which means mountain biking with the boys.

Jake is leading the way down the hill, with Beckett, Tucker and I close behind him and Holden at the back. Our cheeks are flush from the cooler fall weather.

I’m fucking happy. I snuck out of the house with Sierra asleep in my bed and when I’m finished with the ride, I’m picking her up and taking her out to Catch 21, Reed Point’s nicest restaurant, because I’m still not done showing her off.

“Damn, that felt good,” Tucker says, whipping off his helmet when we all reach the bottom of the mountain. “Gray even kept up this time. I guess getting his dick wet on the reg is good for his mojo.”

“What the actual fuck?” Jake punches him in the arm.

“What the fuckisa mojo anyways?” Holden asks. “I knew a cat named Mojo once.”

We all stare at him. “We’re not talking about a fucking cat, dumbo,” I groan. “Mojo is what attracts people to you. Your charm, your power, your magic. Look it up in the dictionary and you’ll see a picture of me.”

“You’re an idiot, Ford. I have no idea how you landed Sierra.” Holden shakes his head.

“It’s because I know how to make her feel good with my wonder dick.” I say, ready to get punched in the nuts.

I glance at Jake, who missed the fucking joke, dammit. He has his phone propped up against his handlebars, furiously typing.

“You talking to the girl?” I ask. “The secret crush who shall remain nameless?”

“She has a name,” Jake grumbles.

“Not one that you’ve bothered to share with us.”

“Her name is Everly. Happy now?”

“Delighted,” I deadpan.

“Maybe Jake is the next to settle down,” Beckett adds. “We’re dropping like flies. First me, now Gray. Love is in the air in Reed Point, boys.”

“And on that note, I’m out,” Tuck says, “Great ride.”

“I think we’re all out,” Beckett adds with a nod, cycling towards his car.

Before Jake gets his foot on his pedal, I stop him. “Can I talk to you for a sec?”

He frowns. “Am I going to want to hear what you have to say?”

“I guess we’re about to find out.” I reply. “This could go one of two ways.”

He follows me to where we’ve parked and after loading our bikes in the back and stripping off our jackets, he meets me behind my truck.

I inhale a breath. “I normally would be asking your dad this question, but since I can’t, I’m asking you.” I swallow, hoping like hell this goes okay. “I’m asking you because you’re the guy who’s been there for Sierra, all of her life, and done a damn good job of taking care of her.”

Jake’s eyes sweep to the gravel under his feet, and he scuffs the toe of his runner through the crushed-up rocks. “What are you asking, Gray?”

“I’m asking,” I grin. “I want to marry your sister. I want her mine in every way possible.”

He scrubs his hand through his sweat-soaked hair. “Man, you’re really sure about this, aren’t you?”

“I’ve never been more sure about anything else in my life.” I shrug. “I don’t want to wait. I don’t see the point. Why postpone the inevitable?”

He takes a moment before reaching out his hand to me. “You’ve got my blessing, Gray. I know how happy you make her.”
