Page 90 of One Good Move

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I shake his hand and he pulls me in for a hug, slapping my shoulder. “I’m happy for you. Just don’t make this moment all cheesy like you do with yourwe’re family nowcrap. You know I hate that shit.”

A deep laugh tilts my head back. I’m smiling so hard my cheeks ache. “But wearegoing to be family now, bro. Admit it, it’s pretty fucking cool.”

“Whatever,” he mutters, rolling his eyes as he heads for his truck.


The only thingbetter than sleeping in on a Sunday is waking up to Grayson—all six-foot-one of him, his warm, naked body wrapped around me like a blanket.

I raise my head from where it’s resting on Grayson’s pec to check the time on the clock on the nightstand. Nine-thirty in the morning. I could slip out of his arms and tip toe down to the kitchen to make breakfast or I could stay here for a little while longer. I nestle into his chest, deciding he feels too good.

He blinks awake a few minutes later. “Morning,” he whispers, his voice raspy with sleep.

“Morning,” I say, sitting up and slipping out of his hold when he stretches his arms towards the headboard.

“Where are you going?” he says, snagging my wrist in his hand.

“I’m going to make you breakfast. How do you feel about strawberry crepes?”

“Not today, my beautiful girl. I have other plans for you.”

He kisses the tip of my nose and slips out of bed, finding his boxer briefs on the floor.

“Where are you going?” I ask, watching him step into his underwear, not missing a second of this. Gray is always a feast for the eyes.

“To run you a bath.”

My brows scrunch together, but I smile as I listen to him humming as he turns on the bathtub faucet. I pad across the hall, leaning against the door frame as I watch Grayson pour my favourite lavender bath salts into the hot water. When he turns around and sees me standing there, a secretive look flashes in his eyes.

“Come here. Lift up your arms.”

I do as he says, walking towards him, raising my arms to the ceiling as he gently lifts my tank top over my head. His thumbs hook under the band of my thong next, slipping it to the floor. He orders me into the tub, and I follow his instructions. I love it when Grayson is bossy.

“Relax. Take your time and when you’re dressed come find me,” he says before bending down for a lingering kiss.

I relax deeper into the hot water, closing my eyes. A blissful half hour passes before I step out of the tub, towel off and get dressed. I wander through the quiet house to the kitchen but Gray’s not there. I call his name, moving from room to room, but he’s nowhere to be found.

Opening the front door, I check for his truck, which is still parked behind mine.Weird.

But then I notice him on the beach, the ocean behind him like a painting. An unexpected burst of emotion hits me. This little street is my home, the ocean the picture-perfect backdrop. And the man I love more than anything else in the world is standing in front of me, 50 feet away.

Grayson waits patiently with his hands stuffed in his jean pockets as I walk to meet him, the hem of his jeans rolled up to his ankles, a hoodie keeping him warm. I breathe in the salt air, enjoy the now-familiar feeling of the morning ocean breeze against my skin. The smell of salt and fall air fills my nostrils.

“Hi,” I say when I reach him, noticing for the first time the blanket and picnic basket at his feet. “Breakfast on the beach?” I can see the neck of a champagne bottle sticking out of the basket.

“Something like that,” he says, and when I turn to look at him my eyes go wide, and I press a hand over my mouth.

Grayson is down on one knee.

Is this for real?

Oh my God. I think this is happening.

“Gray, baby. What are you doing?” He reaches for my hand which is trembling like a leaf. “Are you really… Oh my gosh, this is really it.”

He laughs, ignoring my blabbering, and smiles back up at me. “Sunshine girl…”

His beautiful face blurs before me as tears pool in my eyes. He gazes down at me with his deep brown eyes.
