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You could probably use Rhiucra for some information,I think idly to myself. Rhiucra has become something of a permanent fixture in my life as of late. When I first began with the Ilnais family, I was wary of getting anywhere close to him, or any dark elf, for that matter. But I suppose in time, he’s worn me down.

He’s kind enough and has an almost boyish charm to him that makes it difficult to remember the real threat he could pose if he so chose to. I suppose we could be called friends, although sometimes I do not think that humans and dark elves have the capacity to be true friends, even if dark elves seem to be taking human mates lately.

I have seen a trend of dark elves mating with human women. I know that it is just a fad. Those relationships probably won’t last. Dark elves are powerful creatures, and human women are fragile. We are designed to be broken, and once those dark elves break their human mates, they’ll be bored and move on.

Unfortunately for me, for all of Rhiucra’s joking manner and sunny disposition, he seems to be all too aware of the trend of taking human mates as well. I’m not afraid of him, not the way I am when it comes to other dark elves, but I’m concerned that if his little crush on me becomes any bigger, I may be put in a situation where I need to rebuke him.

And I highly doubt that will go over well.

I walk into the imposing building and start in the dining room first. It’s the easiest, as no one ever uses it. After I finish up in the dining room, I hurry out to the garden to pick fresh flowers that I arrange for the dining room and kitchen.

Then I make my way to the bathroom. After I finish in there, I wash up quickly and change my apron and gloves. Then I make my way to the shared kitchen, where I see Rhiucra seemingly waiting for me.

“Neveah.” His eyes light up. I swallow a groan and plaster a smile on my face.

He walks over to me and moves as if to hug me, but I hold my hands up, showing how dirty I am from cleaning.

“I don’t want to ruin your fine clothing,” I tell him and hurriedly move away from his embrace.

He laughs softly and takes a seat at the kitchen table while I wash up the minimal dishes and wipe down the counters.

I can’t deny that seeing Rhiucra is a bit of a surprise. But I have also noticed that he seems to be finding me more and more these days.

“You know,” he says conversationally while I get out a ladder and start cleaning the upper cabinets. “I asked the head zagfer to assign you to my house. I wanted you to have an easier job than anyone else.”

I swallow a bitter laugh. There is no such thing as an easy cleaning job. Not even in this infinitesimally smaller version of the large mansion.

But I appreciate Rhiucra’s sentiment. He cannot know the reality of his words. He has never had to lift a finger a day in his life.

“Thank you,” I tell him with a slight smile before I move on to the next cabinet.

Rhiucra continues talking as he gets up and heats up some water over the fire I kindled earlier.

“Did you enjoy those elvish books I gave you?” he asks as he brings me a cup of warm rirzed herb tea.

“Yes, I really did,” I answer honestly, and he smiles brightly at me. “I learned a lot about the language and the culture.”

“I have some more for you. There is a lot more you can learn. And you’re smart, so you’ll pick up the language even more quickly.”

“Thank you.” Again, my answer is sincere. “So, how did your venture go? The business you’re starting in town?”

I dare to sit down at the kitchen table across from Rhiucra and sip the deliciously tangy, thick tea.

“You remembered?” he asks me, and his eyes become even sharper and brighter than they already are.

If he’s not careful, they’re going to pop out of his head,I think as I sip my tea to hide my smile.

“Yes, of course, I did,” I tell him after I have managed to hide my smile.

“Everything is going well. We’re in the start-up stages. But I believe that business will do well. My father is a partner, of course, so I have his help.”

I have always liked the fact that Rhiucra seems to be close to both his parents. In fact, I have seen his mother dote over him even though he is a fully grown dark elf.

He leans forward then as I finish my tea.

When I look out of the window, I can see that the sun is hanging lower in the sky. The sweet warmth of the later afternoon will breach the sky soon.

You need to finish up. It is almost time for tea service.
