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The next few hours were unparalleled bliss. The sensations she wrung from me with finger and tongue brought me to the edge far more times than I could count. When she finally allowed Ravensford to bury himself inside her, she summoned the harness and waited with her venom-soaked shadows in front of me.

She released me from the bonds to make me beg, which I did gladly, and could have burst from the perfection of the stretch alone. But as Ravensford’s movements synced with hers, the venom began its work. I was nearly gone, gritting my teeth out of stubbornness alone. I pictured wiping the smug look off of both their faces as a way of fighting off my inevitable end. It was a relief when I heard the undeniable shout of Mara finishing, her own gasps and twitching bringing me inches away from the end.

I bit my lip so hard it began to bleed to clear my mind. Whether it was the scent of my blood or Mara’s pleasure, the Captain roared his finish as well. Crying mercy before withdrawing from behind us. Mara’s slender finger reached forward to slide between my lip and teeth. She pressed harder onto the wound as her breasts brushed my back and I gasped as the pain began to mingle with the pleasure that was now etched into my very being. Once her finger was coated in red she brought it back, dipping between my thighs to rub wet perfect circles above where her shadows were still buried. As she began rocking back and forth in time with the circles, I felt my breathing quicken. I looked to the side only to find the Captain had gone to bring the Mirror where I could see the harness entering me perfectly from the side. My face was flushed, and my green eyes just as glazed by pleasure, but this time I could feel Mara’s every touch. Her thighs against mine as her long hair tickled the curve of my back. The circles and rocking sped up, her hand nearly vibrating with her speed and I was lost. The bright bursting behind my eyelids took my vision as I came harder than I had ever dreamed possible. It was an earth-shattering kind of pleasure, one that felt like it might never end. It was so perfectly edged with pain that kept me securely in what might have been the most mind melting moment before collapsing next to Ravensford on the bed.

I made no fuss when I was picked up and carried to the lavatory. Nor when I was cleaned with a damp cloth that smelled of Jasmine. I could barely open my eyes as the cool cloth and additional salve helped settle my fevered and sensitive skin. When I was finally tucked back into the bed, I barely could keep my eyes open before falling deep into the dreamless void of sleep. The soft tender, indiscernible words of praise fell with me like a rain of soft, star-shaped petals to soften the darkness.


Iwoke to murmuring, soft comfortable conversation that settled deep in my bones, like a second heartbeat. I didn’t know what it meant, if it meant anything other than I felt completely changed by it, this sense of belonging that I most certainly did not deserve.

“Are you certain?” he whispered.

“It’s Drago’s favorite trick, and he’s not branched out much the last two centuries.” She spoke confidently. I didn’t recognize the name, but curiosity heightened my mind, waking me up further.

“Perhaps she’s mistaken, maybe she still dreams and is unaware of them? It isn’t uncommon for humans.” He insisted. They were talking of my bargain, and they thought it was with a man named Drago?

“I don’t think so, it would explain what I saw of her mind. He is the only one capable of stealing dreams and is capable of hiding things from the dreadlings. Not to mention it would explain why she’s the first Slayer seen in over 100 years.” She stated firmly. So the Sun God had hidden the memories that might reveal my identity? Or our bargain? Despite my growing confusion about my feelings toward what I knew and what I felt, I was certain in my gratitude those truths were my own to reveal. It had given me leverage and allowed me to bargain if nothing else. The last thing had to be false though, there was no way I’d been asleep 100 years, but my mark stayed silent.

“I believe you, of course. I still don’t think you should do anything rash. He’s been planning this for a long time. We should take a step back and come up with a better plan.” He seemed pleading now, concerned by whatever plan he was referencing that I seemed to have missed.

“You’re right.” She admitted, and I felt the bed move as one of them changed positions.

“Promise me, not as the Captain of your guard, but as your devoted servant, you won’t act before we find a better way, together.” He insisted, concern straining his voice.

“I swear I won’t act rashly, and I look forward to hearing all your ideas, Baby. Just don’t stay buried in your books too long,” she murmured. I couldn’t help but notice the wording of her promise. Perhaps he did too as he squeezed her closer, accepting his lack of control with much more grace than I could ever hope to.

I stretched then, as if I had only just woken up. My muscles somehow revitalized rather than wrecked by the activities of the night before. My face flushed as I saw Ravensford’s and Mara’s faces peering down at me.

“Sleep well, Nettle?” Ravensford asked with a wicked grin. Mara slapped his chest.

“Leave her be.” She snapped, looking at me with concern. Why would she be so worried about me? It had only been physical, hadn’t it?

“Just because we promised it was only physical doesn’t mean I can’t worry about the emotional impact. Last night was a lot for someone that’s… well anyone that isn’t used to our kind of practice. I simply want to be sure you’re not sore or feeling upset.” She responded. I must have spoken out loud.

“Yes Nettle, you still are.” She spoke, scooting closer to cup my cheek in what was definitely concern mixed with something else I couldn’t quite name.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I missed the game.” I state, wondering if that’s what had her looking at me so differently.

“Not to worry Nettle, I already gave my truth to Mara. I’ll see about telling you one when we’re alone.” He spoke cheerily, easily hiding the concern that I’d heard from him earlier.

“Oh… are we going to train again?” I asked, propping myself onto my elbow as the excitement of sparring against someone of similar skill took hold. The heightened angle gave me an unobstructed view of his wide chest, the v of his waist disappearing underneath the satin covers that did little to hide the outline of what lay below. After feeling Mara’s fingers and shadows I couldn’t help but wonder how he might compare. What it might feel like to ride him while Mara rode his tongue, our own mouths and hands-free to explore each other.

It was an odd experience, as I’d never felt drawn to a man in that way, and yet he’d somehow become perfectly tangled in the pleasure and attraction I felt toward Mara that I could no longer imagine having one without the other. Perhaps because in many ways they were already one. I began to understand Mara’s comment from the other day a little better. Though I still strongly preferred her, I did enjoy his dares and jokes, and having experienced all he’d done through Mara, I couldn’t help but appreciate his skill yet again.

“Actually, Roya brought word that someone has issued you a challenge,” Ravensford said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“A challenge? For what?” I ask, confused by the idea that someone cared enough to challenge someone being kept as some form of prisoner.

“You don’t have to indulge them Nettle, they’ve nursed a heightened sense of importance, and are using a loophole to issue the challenge in the first place.” Mara spoke, her annoyance at the idea clear.

“Who is it? And what could they possibly want from me?” I asked, looking between the two of them. It was the Captain who spoke.

“Her name is Jessa, and she’s issued a fight to the death.” He said as if the idea thrilled him. Perhaps he was keen to see me dead, less willing to share Mara than he let on before.

“What did I do that she wants me dead?” I asked, still confused.

“You killed the man she claims was her mate on your journey here. She’s the one that I allowed to take your hair, in hopes it would settle her. They never mated so far as we knew, but it would seem the braid is no longer enough. She wants your head as well.” Mara’s face was grave despite the obvious tone of annoyance at this turn of events.
