Page 106 of Dirty Legend

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My heart clenched. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to not only have convinced the woman of my dreams to marry me but to have my family just as in love with her as I was. It couldn't have worked out better.

Connor walked up the aisle and took his place under the arch before raising his eyebrow at me. Guess that was my signal to get my ass up to the front. We'd decided to follow in Zen and Kennedy's footsteps and not have anybody up front with us. We wanted a simple ceremony because what was important to Amara, and I was making things official. We didn't need a huge wedding.

My feet carried me to the front of our setup, and I was surprised by how calm I felt. I expected to have some nerves or to feel some level of cold feet. That was natural, wasn't it? But I didn't. I was completely calm. If anything, I was anxious to see Amara.

By now, everyone had taken their seats, and gentle music began to play. I glanced up at the steps, waiting for Amara and Grayson. He was like her brother, and I knew it meant a lot to her to have him walk her down the aisle.

I caught a flash of white lace, and then there she stood, taking my breath away. My eyes widened as I took her in from the crown of flowers she wore in her wavy hair to the floor-length white lace gown that hugged every single one of her curves to her bare feet. She hadn't tried to hide her swollen belly under miles of fabric. She was proud of her body, and fuck it turned me on.

Our eyes met, and the awareness of our souls connecting and recognizing each other shot through me. I didn't think it would ever go away. Amara and I were destined for each other. Fate brought us together, and now I would make her mine.

Her eyes never left mine as she walked down the aisle, every step feeling like it took forever. Finally, she stood before me as I barely noticed Grayson putting her hand in mine. My eyes left hers briefly as I glanced at him, and he wore a knowing smirk. "You know the drill. Same thing I said to Z. Break her heart, I break your face."

"It'll never happen." I laughed. "But I appreciate the warning."

I turned to Amara and lifted my hand to stroke her cheek. "You look beautiful."

She leaned into my touch and closed her eyes briefly, and when they opened, they were shining with unshed tears.

Connor cleared his throat. "I'd like to think I've gotten a little bit better at this since the last time, and when Amara and True asked me to marry them, of course I was honored. But they wanted something simple, so that being said, let's get you married."

We all laughed at his bluntness, but I appreciated his style.

"The most remarkable moment in life is when you meet the person who makes you feel whole. The person who makes the world a beautiful and magical place. For these two, that happened about a year ago right up there on that deck." He pointed behind us. "Neither of them knew it at the time, but that day was the start of something great. True finally wore Amara down and, well, the rest is history."

Connor gestured at Amara's stomach, and we all had to laugh again. He wasn't generally known for being a funny guy, but somehow it came out when he performed a wedding ceremony. I looked at Amara, and she was radiant. Her eyes reflected the twinkle lights and golden glow of the sky, so she looked like she had stars in them. She was breathtaking.

"Now for the important stuff." He cleared his throat again. "We are gathered here to join Amara and True in the union of marriage. They have prepared their own vows, which they'll speak now." Connor turned to me. "True?'

I breathed deeply before smiling down at Amara. Everyone else disappeared around us, and all I could see was her. "Amara, I used to think watching the sunrise over the break was the most beautiful thing in the world, until I met you. Now I know nothing compares to the way your eyes light up when you see something you love or the way your smile makes everything else in the world disappear. I used to think the day the band signed our recording contract was the best day of my life until you told me I was going to be a dad. Now I know what a miracle looks like, and it's all because of you. I used to think I knew what my life would look like. Now I know it's going to be so much better than I ever imagined because I get to live it with you."

I lifted my hand to her face and wiped the tear that was slipping down her cheek. "There's no one else I'd rather walk through this life with side by side, chasing our dreams and building our future. I promise to always lift you up and always put our family first. I don't promise to always take care of you because I know you can take care of yourself." She laughed through her tears. "But I will always be there to hold you up when life gets too tough."

She sniffled and squeezed my hand, her other hand resting on her stomach. "Your daughter is kicking the shit out of my ribs right now," she whispered, and I laughed. The moment was perfect.

She stood up straighter, gripping my hand in hers. "I was never one of those girls who looked for Prince Charming. I've always been independent and didn't dream about my wedding or someone sweeping off my feet. And yet, there you were. You weren't at all what I expected. Instead, you were so much more." My eyes stung as I got choked up at her words. I blinked back the tears because I didn't want to miss a second of Amara's face at this moment. I tried to memorize every perfect expression that flitted across her face as she spoke her heart out loud to me.

"I was too afraid to face my feelings for you, but you were persistent. You refused to give up on me no matter how much I tried to push you away. For that, and so many other things I love about you, I'll be forever grateful you didn't give up on me because if you had, I'd never know what it feels like to find the kind of love we have. The kind of love where you can't imagine there could ever be anything better. The kind of love that takes over everything else yet makes you feel like you can do anything, be anything. You make me feel powerful and beautiful, and like I'm everything to you. But the truth is,you'reeverything tome."

My chest felt like it might explode with all the emotion running through my body as she kept speaking, her voice quivering. "I promise to always put you first and to never get jealous of how much time you spend in the ocean." I laughed, and she grinned up at me, her cheeks wet with her tears, but she'd never looked more beautiful.

"This is forever, babe, so buckle up because it's going to be a wild ride." I laughed again and squeezed her hand. I was dying to kiss her, but I held myself back, barely.

I looked over at Connor, and I swear his eyes even looked a little misty, but he shook it off and continued with the ceremony. "Now, do you, True Easton, take Amara Divan to be your wife? To love, honor, respect, and protect her above anyone else until the end of time?"

I looked right into the depths of her soulful honey-colored eyes as I answered. "I do."

"And do you, Amara Divan, take True Easton to be your husband? To love, honor, respect, and protect him above anyone else until the end of time?"

She flashed me a mischievous grin, and her eyes twinkled. "I do."

Connor motioned to Maddox, and he jumped up, dropping our rings into our hands before sitting back down. "Now we'll exchange rings. Your wedding ring is a circle, a symbol of love never ending. It's the seal of the vows you just made."

He turned to Amara. "Amara, place the ring on True's left hand and repeat after me."

She slid the warm metal onto my finger, her eyes focused on mine as Connor spoke, and she repeated his words. "As a sign of my love that I have chosen you above all else, with this ring, I thee wed."

I pulled our joined hands to my lips and kissed the back of hers before repeating the same process with her ring. Sliding the band onto her finger, I repeated the same words back to her.
