Page 107 of Dirty Legend

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Connor grinned. "And now, with the power vested in me by the State of California, it is my honor to declare you married." He paused. "Now might be a good time to kiss."

I laughed and then stepped forward, leaning down as our lips met for the first time as husband and wife. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and my fingers twined in her hair, pulling her closer as she opened her lips to deepen the kiss. Sparks fired underneath my skin and goosebumps erupted along my entire body. I couldn't wait to make love to my wife for the first time, but I didn't want to ever stop this kiss.

Slowly, as our bodies melted into each other, I became aware of clapping and laughing from everyone breaking into the moment. I reluctantly moved apart, planting one last soft kiss on her swollen lips. I pulled her to my side, wrapping my arm around her and staring at her beautiful face. Her cheeks were flushed from the heat of the moment. Her eyes met mine, and I knew we were thinking the same thing.

I can't wait to get you naked.

Amara was my wife. I pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her and stealing another kiss as everyone rearranged their chairs around us.

A gentle cough behind me broke us apart, and I turned to find Grayson standing nearby with an apologetic expression on his face. "Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes, so you guys should probably move inside."

Amara and the girls planned the ceremony, but I'd wanted to plan what happened after. Grayson handled the food, and what we were serving was just one of many surprises I had in store for my wife tonight. Surprising her was one of my favorite things to do, second only to making her come.

Amara's expression brightened as she looked over my shoulder at Gray. "What are we having? This guy wouldn't tell me anything." She playfully jabbed her thumb at me.

Gray smirked. "Come inside and find out. I promise you'll love it."

I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it before tugging her up the stairs back into the house. It smelled amazing, like barbeque and heaven. I grinned as she sniffed the air next to me, and her eyes widened. "What is it?"

"I thought we'd go really casual and non-traditional, so I picked Southern comfort foods. You know, fried chicken and waffles? Barbecue, pulled pork sandwiches, mac and cheese." I could practically see her mouth watering, and I had to laugh. "I haven't seen you this hungry for anything except me in months."

She side-eyed me before turning her attention back to the food. "Yeah, yeah. You're tempting, and you know it. But this baby and I arestarving. I didn't get a chance to eat before the ceremony."

I squeezed her hand and let it go. "Let's get you fed, then. It's our wedding. You can eat whenever and however much you want. Gray made more than enough food for everyone."

Reaching around me, she grabbed a plate and started piling on the waffles. I loved how Amara ate. She wasn't shy about her love of food. She must be lucky because any weight she gained only seemed to go to the best places on her body, making her even more irresistible.

After everyone dished up and ate, I stood and cleared my throat, drawing the attention of everyone to me. "I wanted to take a minute to thank you all for being here with us. The best day of my life was made that much better because you were all here, and I know Amara feels the same." She looked up at me with so much love in her eyes; it almost stole my breath. I was still in awe of the fact that she was mine.

"We're not going to have a formal reception, as you've probably already figured out. We wanted to do what we love with the people we love. So, that being said," I reached down and grabbed Amara's hand, pulling her up to stand next to me. "I'm going to go dance with my wife on the beach, and we'd love you all to join us."

The sky was now dark, twinkling stars dotting the night sky as candles flickered along the sand. Zen hooked up the speakers, andUnlonelyby Jason Mraz began playing. I pulled Amara to me, her body as flush with mine as it could get with her stomach between us. We were both barefoot, our feet sinking into the still-warm sand as we rocked back and forth, swaying to the beat. She rested her head against my chest, and I held her while we swayed, closing my eyes and breathing in her sweet cinnamon-honey scent.

I'd never been as happy as I was at that moment, holding my whole world in my arms. As the song changed to something even more upbeat, more of our friends started dancing around us, but Amara and I just clung to each other, swaying slowly, letting the breeze blowing off the water cool us down.

After several songs quietly being with each other, I decided it was time for my next surprise. I leaned back and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I've got more in store for you tonight. Are you ready for what comes next?"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and lifted up onto her tiptoes, pressing her lips against mine before pulling back and staring into my eyes. "I'll always be ready as long as you're there with me."

I brushed a stray hair off of her face. "Always. I love you."

"I love you, too. Now, what are we doing?" She was practically bouncing. I was surprised she had this much energy after how long the day had been, but I was glad. I didn't want to overwhelm her, but the next few things on my agenda would be pretty low-key.

"Walk with me." I wove our fingers together, and we walked side by side down the beach a little way until we found a dark stretch where blankets were spread out on the sand and covered with pillows. There was a sheet hung between two palm trees, and our friends had placed themselves down on blankets spread on the ground.

I stopped in front of one and helped Amara lower herself down, repositioning pillows to get comfortable before I sank down next to her.

Jericho stood up. "We ready?"

Maddox leaned over and handed me a bowl of popcorn, which I offered to Amara. "We're ready."

Everyone chimed in their agreement, and he started the projector. "What are we watching?" Amara asked, leaning herself against me.

"Gremlins." I chuckled. It wasn't exactly a typical wedding activity, but I wanted today to be as low-key and low-stress as I could for my wife, and I wanted to fill it with her favorite things.

"Oh my god, really? I love this movie!" She squealed, and Montana shushed her and threw a handful of popcorn in our direction before laughing. Amara glanced around the dark breach before turning back to me. "Aren't we on somebody's private beach?"

I chuckled. "Yes, but it's fine. Trust me."
