Page 114 of Dirty Legend

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All the excitement from the morning evaporated in an instant, and suddenly I felt very, very tired. "Fuck, what now? Can't it wait?"

He shook his head, tugging on the sleeve of his suit jacket. "Unfortunately not. Lexi's here."

"Why the fuck is she here?"

He rolled his eyes. "To try and get your attention, to make a scene? Who the fuck knows. All I know is the guy I hired to keep an eye on her called me an hour ago. Apparently right after you left for the hospital, she did, too. I'm guessing it's that PI I suspected she hired. They must have been watching you, and she got word that you were on your way to the hospital."

I started pacing the hall. "Do I need to do anything?"

Harrison's phone vibrated in his hand, and he looked down at it before looking back up at me with fire in his eyes. "No, I already called Connor, and he's handling it. We stick to the plan for now. Talking to her directly hasn't helped up to this point, so I have no reason to believe it would this time. If you go out there, you're just giving her what she wants." He held his phone screen up for me to see. The top headline, right there in black and white on the CNT web page, read "LEXI LOVECROFT LOSES BABY" along with a tearful photo of Lexi in front of the very hospital I was inside right now.

I scoffed. "How convenient. At least we know now the baby was fake."

Harrison glared at the screen. "I dropped her as a client, just so you know. A couple of months ago, actually."


His head shot up. "Why would you be sorry? I made a bloody mess of things because I put my faith in the wrong person. I had to cut her out."

I lifted my shoulder before dropping it back down. "Still, sucks to lose a long time client."

He flashed me a cocky grin, and for a second, he looked like the old Harrison. "I'll be just fine, mate."

"Now that Phoenix is here, we're still good to go with the announcement and release plan, right? Two more weeks?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Just hang on for two more weeks, and the nightmare will be over."

"I'm going to sue the shit out of Lexi when this is all over."

Harrison laughed, and I had to join him. This shit wasn't funny, but at the same time, what else could we do?

I clapped my hand on his back. "Ready to come meet your niece?"

"Lead the way."

I couldn’t believe it’d only been two weeks since Phoenix was born. It felt like she was always here, always meant to be with us. Tonight the Lexi nightmare would finally come to an end. Phase one of theTake Lexi Downplan was happening tonight. True’s album was releasing at midnight, and just before that, Harrison put together a show for all of his best fans.

After talking it over, we decided I’d come on stage with him and bring Phoenix out. I ordered special baby-sized ear protection just for tonight. When I tested them out on Phoenix earlier before her nap, I snapped a picture and sent it to True, and he came running into the room from the beach behind our house to see for himself.

He was head over heels for our daughter. Obsessed might be a better word. I had to fight him all the time just to hold her when he was home. As soon as he got home, she was in his arms, and he didn’t put her down unless he absolutely had to. I’d laughed at him more than once, watching him try to do things one-handed. He’d gotten particularly good at eating with his left hand over the past two weeks.

The way he loved our daughter just made me love him more. I couldn’t have picked a better father for my child if I’d planned it out. I guess destiny knew what it was doing when it decided he was made to be mine.

True left a couple of hours ago to head to the venue to prepare for the show. I was riding with Zen and Kennedy. I wanted to look good for tonight because no doubt my picture would end up in the media tomorrow. But I was two weeks out from giving birth, and contrary to what some celebs would have you believe, the human body didn’t naturally shrink back down that fast.

I was okay with my new curves, and True loved my body. It was driving us both crazy that we had to keep our hands to ourselves for six weeks, and we were both counting the days. But that didn’t stop him from telling me every day how much I turned him on, and his heated stares and longer than normal showers had me convinced he wasn’t just telling me what I wanted to hear.

Just as I finished tying my black wrap dress, Phoenix’s cries sounded over the monitor next to me. Walking into her nursery, I lifted her into my arms, snuggling her close and breathing in her new baby scent. I hummed as I carried her to her changing table to get her ready for tonight.

Her bright blue eyes, True’s eyes, watched me as I ran my fingertips along her lightly tanned skin, pressing a kiss to her tummy. “Hi, baby girl. Mama loves you,” I cooed. I quickly changed her and got her dressed in a onesie that saidMy Daddy’s a Rock Starand some of the tiniest black skinny jeans I’d ever seen. Finally, I slid a sparkly silver bow on top of her mostly bald head. She flailed her arms, and I melted inside, snapping a picture of her and sending it to everyone in our group chat.

At this point, they were probably all getting tired of the constant baby spamming, but I didn’t care. Phoenix was the first baby in our group, and I was taking full advantage of everyone’s attention being on her.

My front door opened and closed before Kennedy called out. “Am?”

“In here!” I yelled before picking up my daughter. Kennedy stepped into the room, and her eyes widened. “Oh, my Thor! Look at her.” She reached out her arms and wiggled her fingers, and I rolled my eyes before handing Phoenix over to her aunt.

I stepped into her closet and pulled out her bag, packing extra supplies while Kennedy fawned over her. Something changed in my best friend the night Phoenix was born, and I suspected it wouldn’t be long before she joined the Shadow Phoenix mommy club.
