Page 115 of Dirty Legend

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“Ready to go?” I asked, slinging the full bag over my shoulder.

She nodded. “Are you?”

“I’m actually excited. I’m ready for the torment of the past few months to finally be over.”

“Good. Let’s get out of here, then. I bet True’s going crazy. Is this the longest he’s been away from little P?” Phoenix had Kennedy’s finger gripped in her tiny fist.

I nodded with a laugh. “Yeah, and he’s only texted me about a hundred times.”

We walked out to the garage and got into my new Audi Q5. True presented it to me when we got home from the hospital because he said there was no way he’d be letting Phoenix ride in my Mini Cooper. Apparently, this car had one of the highest safety ratings. I was just happy to not have to get down so low to get her in and out of the car.

“Are we picking up your husband?” I asked.

She shook her head. “He went with True to the venue earlier.”

“Oh, I’m glad. Even if he didn’t want to admit it, I know he’s nervous about tonight. He’s ready for the truth to come out, but I think we’re both a little scared that people have already made up their minds after all this time and won’t believe him.”

I strapped Phoenix into her car seat and adjusted the straps before shutting the door and climbing behind the wheel. Kennedy slid into the passenger seat, and we started the short drive to the theater. “If people don’t want to hear the actual truth, then fuck them.” Kennedy was never one to mince words.

I laughed. “I just want tonight to go well for True. It’s not me that’s been getting torn apart in the media for months. As much as he wants to pretend it doesn’t get to him, I know it does. He’s the best dad I know already, and the way he loves Phoenix is ridiculous. To hear how he’s portrayed is disgusting.”

Kennedy drummed her fingers on her thigh. “What’s going to happen to that twatface, Lexi?”

My grip on the steering wheel tightened. “First, the truth comes out tonight, and hopefully, everyone sees her for the lying weasel she is.”

Kennedy nodded. “And then?”

“I’m not completely sure, but I think True’s planning on hitting her with a pretty intense lawsuit for defamation and slander.”

“Good. She deserves everything she gets for putting you guys through that shit for no other reason than to get more attention.” Kennedy rolled her eyes.

“I couldn’t agree more.”

* * *

We steppedinto the dark theater, Phoenix in my arms and Kennedy by my side. The audience was already starting to fill in, and the show didn’t start for another hour. We stuck to the edges of the crowd and made our way to the back of the stage, where Julian stood guard. He grinned at us. “Hey, you two. How’s this little one?” he cooed at Phoenix.

“She’s more alert than I thought she’d be at this hour,” I said, and he chuckled.

“Well, don’t let me hold you up. Everyone’s already backstage.” He moved aside and let us pass.

The backstage area was small and dark, but all our friends crowded around what I assumed was True’s dressing room, minus True, Maddox, Jericho, and Zen. As we walked up to the group, I raised my eyebrow. “Where are all the guys?”

Hale stood closest to me and answered, “They’re all in there.” He pointed toward the closed door. I knew the guys had their pre-show rituals, so this was probably their way of showing True they were all supporting him. “Now give me my niece,” Hale said, taking Phoenix out of my hands and cradling her in his huge arms.

I chuckled as he smiled down at her. She had the power to make all these huge, tough men in her life melt, and I had a feeling that would serve her well later on in life. “Look at you, a total natural,” I teased.

Hale scoffed. “For my niece? Always.”

“I don’t know, Hale. You look pretty good with a baby in your arms,” Kennedy said, pulling out her phone and snapping a couple of pictures. “I bet I could sell these to CNT for a shit ton of money.”

He growled. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wouldn’t I?” she challenged before giggling. “I think I’ll hold onto these for atold you sosomeday.”

He looked back down at Phoenix and instantly softened. “Your Aunt Kennedy doesn’t know what she’s talking about, right little P?”

The door opened, and the guys moved out of the room, True coming out last. Our eyes locked, and my mouth instantly went dry. Damn, he looked hot as fuck. He wasn’t wearing anything different than I’d seen him in dozens of times. Jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt that strained against his chest and biceps with styled messy hair. His eyes were bright, and he just had this confidence about him. I knew he was ready for whatever would happen tonight.
