Page 16 of Dirty Legend

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She rested her head back against my chest, inhaling deeply. “Guess I should go put some clothes on,” she yawned.

“I don’t mind if you want to stay like this. I really like the view.” My eyes dropped to her hardened nipples and the smooth sliver of skin beneath her tiny tank top.

She glanced down at herself. “Yeah, not happening.”

She stepped away from me, and I fought the urge to pull her back. If I could live every minute of every day with Amara wrapped in my arms, I would. She was inside me at this point, her and my baby. I’d wanted her from afar for so long, felt pulled to her like nothing I’d ever experienced before. There was no way I could let her go.

My eyes were locked onto her perfect ass as she made her way up the stairs to change, and I tried to reign in my cock, which was already half-mast. I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly and thought about unsexy things like taxes and the old lady who lived down the hall and liked to wear sheer robes to pick up her newspaper.

“Gonna tell me what that was about?” Grayson asked, folding his arms across his chest. I knew he was like a brother to Amara and just as protective over her as he was Kennedy.

“I don’t know if she wants people to know yet, but we’re figuring things between us out.”

He narrowed his eyes. “She’s not just another fuck-of-the-week, True.”

I met his gaze with a hard one of my own. “I know, Gray. Fuck, I know. I’ve wanted Amara since I first laid eyes on her. If she’d give me the time of day, I’d never even look at another woman again. I’m trying to convince her we’re a good idea.”

He rubbed his jaw while considering what I’d said. “You’re serious?”

“As a fucking tax audit.”

Grayson threw his head back and laughed. “A tax audit? Who the fuck are you right now?”

I lifted a shoulder. “Guess it’s time for me to grow the fuck up and be the man she needs me to be.”

Gray sobered. “If you mean that, I’m glad. She’s always done everything on her own, but she could use someone she can trust to lean on.”

I nodded. “I want to be that. I want to be everything.”

“Well, shit. Just know if you hurt her they’ll never find your body.” His glowered at me, his tone filled with warning.

I held up my hands. “I’ll never hurt her, Gray. You can save your ass-kicking for when Zen does some shit wrong.”

His gaze shifted to lock on his brother in law. “Oh, I’ve got my eyes on him, too.”

I laughed. “I’m sure you do.”

His eyes cut back to me, and he chuckled. “Good luck, man. You’re gonna need it.”

I’d been in LA for a week, and I couldn’t justify staying any longer to my boss, even though I really didn’t want to go home yet, if ever. Having Kennedy, Zen, Gray, and True around all the time was something I didn’t know I needed. It used to be the three of us, Kennedy, Grayson, and me, but after Kennedy moved to LA to be with Zen, Grayson followed her six months later, and I was alone.

LA was a better place for Gray to make his restaurant dreams come true. Plus, the two of them were twins and as close as siblings get. But my life was back in Washington, and I was going to have some hard decisions to make when I got home.

I rested my palm on my still flat stomach, something I found myself doing more and more. The idea of having a baby wasn’t as scary as it was when I first found out, which was understandable. I’d had time to adjust. There was still a lot to figure out and decide, but I knew two things for sure. One, I wanted this baby more than I’d ever wanted anything before, and the level of love I already felt for the little parasite took my breath away.

And two, True wanted this baby at least as much as I did and would do anything for it. The kind of devotion he’d already shown was cracking my defenses toward him.

True had made it a point to stay with me the entire week. He’d held me in his arms when I fell asleep for the night or for naps, he snapped at anyone who attempted to make coffee when I was in the house, and he held my hair when I threw up every morning. I knew it couldn’t last forever because we both had careers and responsibilities. Still, the fact he’d dropped everything to be here with me this week went a long way towards proving that True meant what he said when he promised to be here for our baby and me.

With each passing day, the wall I’d built around my heart broke down brick by brick and honestly? At this point, I didn’t care to stop it. If I really thought about it, I didn’t want to go through this alone. I wanted True to be here, to experience this journey with me. I wanted someone to share all the little things with who was just as invested as I was. Of course, I could do it on my own. I was strong and smart and didn’t need him for anything. But I wanted him, and it scared the shit out of me.

I needed to talk to Kennedy. True was working with Zen this morning, writing music for his new album, so Kennedy was free. I walked down to the kitchen, where I found her sitting at the island reading on her phone, a steaming mug of tea beside her.

“Hey Ken, got a sec?”

She glanced up at me and grinned, setting down her phone. She patted the stool next to her. “Sure. Want some tea?”

“Definitely. Peppermint?”
