Page 42 of Tasting Darkness

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It appears untouched, but we need to be sure he wasn't followed, and that none of the wards are broken. And Darius has nearly 30 wards placed that we now had to spend our day trekking through thick terrain to find and make sure they haven’t been tripped or broken.

The ones on the castle that are infused with Darius' magic he can feel but one's around the perimeter he can't, it would exhaust his magic too quickly. They were more of a camouflage and a deterrent. They had a wicked kick, which is usually enough to stop anyone who may try to cross.

“So answer me, how much did you make for him?” I ask Lycus as I swat a fly buzzing around my head.

I smack it, sending it flying into the ward, it buzzes loudly and dies as it is electrocuted when Ryze jumps off my shoulder and snatches up a lizard. Lycus pulls a face as Ryze chomps the poor critter, then slurps its tail in like it is eating a noodle. I chuckle, watching the marvelous bird, he puffs out his feathers and caws loudly.

“30,” Lycus breathes, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“There better be a thousand attached to that. You’re not risking your damn life for $30!” I growl, and he stops and glares at me.

“As if I would agree to be punched in the damn head for $30!” Lycus snaps. Ryze hisses at him before looking at me, and I roll my eyes when he flaps his wings and jumps onto my shoulder.

“Better not have. Your pretty little head is worth so much more than that,” I chuckle while he glares at me. I scratch Ryze's chest feathers.

“Why would it matter if I did? It's my head,” Lycus growls.

“You better not have, or I will beat your ass for free for your stupidity,” I snap at him.

“It was 30 thousand! Geez, what do you take me for?” Lycus says as we start walking. Ryze nips at my fingers when I stop petting him. And I flick his beak. “You know you're heavy, right? So be nice,” I snap at Aleera's pet. Turning my attention back to Lycus, he checks another ward, hissing when he pokes the stake.

“Did you win?” I ask because I would beat ass for losing if he didn't.

“What do you think?” he asks, bending down and checking the next stake in the ground. He touches it. Then jerks his hand back when it jolts him and sucks on his index finger with a growl.

“Fucker! You're touching the next one,” Lycus hisses.

“Nope, you're the reason we are checking them in the first place. Therefore, you get to poke them,” I tell him.

We make our way around the site, coming up where we lined up with the training grounds. We can smell the smoke and the charged air where everyone is training. I can even hear them hollering as they taunt each other.

“Did he say anything afterward?” I ask Lycus, wanting to know if he agreed to meet up with the bastard again because if he did, I would be following to kill the prick.

“He said that he would be in touch,” Lycus says, and I frown, shaking my head and cursing. I knew why he did it before, but now he had Darius and me. We won't let his father hurt them, so why? He did not need to do his father's bidding. Did he believe we couldn't keep Kalen safe from his father?

I watch as Lycus bends down, checking the stake, when Ryze screeches, flapping his wings from my shoulder. Ryze had insisted on hitching a ride because the bird is too lazy to fly. Instead, he wanted me to cart his heavy ass around.

Lycus curses before standing and looking to where the next marker is and runs over to it.

“What is it?” I ask him, and my eyes widen when I see him pick up the stake that shouldn't be able to be pulled from the earth. He runs through the shrubs, moving ferns and grabbing another, and the fear that races through the bond is strong.

“Tobias, I… I'm…” his words cut off when Ryze screeches loudly, jumping from my shoulder and flying up and through the trees, just as screams ring out.

“We have been breached!” I gasp in horror as my infinity mark burns when a portal opens up directly behind Lycus.

“Lycus, behind you!” I scream out to him, tossing my hands forward just as he ducks. Lycus turns and pivots before he drives the stake in his hands straight through the hooded figure’s chest. The person crumples to the ground, and I drop my hands and race to his side as Lycus bends down, ripping the hood back.

“Fuck I recognize him. He was at the pits with my father.” Lycus growls and I take a look at the man on the ground.

“Power hunters!” Lycus gasps.

“Aleera!” I gasp, looking in the castle's direction before opening a portal.



As I get dressed, I can’t help but wonder what caused the anger sizzling through the bond. I knew it had something to do with Lycus' father, yet it seemed like so much more than that. But I couldn't ask because it was obvious whatever it was, they didn't want Kalen to know. So instead, I follow Darius down to the training grounds.

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