Page 68 of Tasting Darkness

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His father.

His blood ran cold at the sight of him and his father looked at him as if he was the scum of the earth.

“Leave them, Patrick,” his father told the man in the blue shirt, not even acknowledging him.

Yet the drunken man was looking for a fight and launched himself toward Lycus making me realize he too was a Were-Fae. Bloody thirsty and lived for a good fight or hunt. Lycus doesn’t hesitate tossing himself in front of Kalen and attacking the man. Lycus took him down easily and his father watched with no expression at all, clearly impressed that Lycus was able to take down a wolf twice his size and without so much as looking exerted.

Yet when his father whistled loudly, he realized he was calling for more of his buddies until the alleyway turned into some makeshift fight club. Yet as time dragged, Lycus grew weary and he realized his mistake. By defending Kalen, his father knew he had leverage against him. A way to use him and as three more men circled him as they came into the alley. He knew he put Kalen at risk as they surrounded him. He looked at Kalen in panic as his father moved toward him, where Kalen rocked back and forth hands over his ears having a full blown panic attack.

Violence was never Kalen’s thing, nothing scared him more. Lycus' father grabbed Kalen by his hair making him cry out, yet Lycus was too far away and surrounded. Yet that moment of distraction as he met Kalen’s petrified eyes earned him a knife to the stomach as the Demonic-Fae plunged and piping hot glowing dagger into him. He howled, swiping at him as his blood spilled out onto the asphalt.

The scream that left Kalen also distracted him as he turned to check him when the two other Were-Fae jumped him, tearing into him. Lycus knew death was coming he didn’t care, the only thing he cared for was Kalen who was screaming as his father started dragging him down the alleyway.

“Kill him,” his father told the other men. “I will get a good amount for this one,” he said to the men attacking Lycus.

Yet hearing that seemed to flip some sort of switch inside Kalen. And his father shrieked. He had no idea what Kalen had done, too focused on trying to remain alive as they tore into him. But when one of the Were-Fae whimpered and let his neck go, the next one wailed, giving Lycus sight of what was going on.

His eyes instantly searched the alley for Kalen, yet he wasn’t by his father who stared off behind Lycus horrified. Lycus staggered to his feet in panic looking for Kalen yet when he found him, he was just as horrified as his father when a flash went off, making him twist his head to look at his father to see his phone in hand pointed at Kalen.

Lycus' head turned back to Kalen, who seemed almost possessed as he meandered toward the three men. The air around him thickened, the energy rippled, so powerful and cold. Lycus felt like he was suddenly suffocating in every bad emotion.

Despair like he never felt before made him whimper, sadness so strong it broke his heart into a million pieces. Kalen’s skin ripples as black veins slivered across his bare arms and feet, he steps closer and notices the aura emanating from Kalen grew thicker, harsher, colder and that was when he realized what Kalen’s gifts were. He was an empath and a powerful one. Instead feeling others emotions he forced them over the men that attacked him.

Empaths were never considered dangerous, they usually channeled emotion, they didn’t use it as a weapon. Lycus didn’t even realize it was possible until he watched Kalen force it over them as if it were an emotional cast not a physical one.

The men start clawing at themselves, clawing at their faces, their skin shredding it to stop the cold ache of the depression moving through them. Kalen wasn’t even touching them, yet whatever he was doing was making them suicidal as they tore themselves apart. One man started slamming his head into the concrete, bashing his own brains onto the hard concrete floor.

The Demonic-Fae set himself alight, becoming an inferno and the last one clawed his own face off and ripped out his own throat. Kalen killed them without so much as laying a finger on them, using magic that was considered harmless yet in the right hands it could be used as a weapon.

Kalen was a weapon. A powerful one.

When the last man fell, so did Kalen as he exhausted himself and collapsed on the ground. Lycus limped over to him before hearing his father take off. Yet when the sound of sirens reached his ears, Lycus knew what would become of Kalen.

Fae authorities would investigate and once they learned what Kalen did, he would be shipped off to secret labs and tested on, not once has anyone heard of a fae with Kalen’s particular gifts. One thing the fae authorities and the council didn’t like was power that was unknown, because they couldn’t control it or know how to defend against it. He would become a science experiment and a lab rat. And Lycus wouldn’t stand for that.

So he forced the shift, forced his bones to realign and screamed out when they did. His injuries not wanting to heal, and even with a broken ankle. Lycus leaned down, scooped him up, and tossed him over one shoulder, burning magic he shouldn't have, he opened a portal and stepped into a dark park behind some seedy strip club.

For three days. Kalen was out for three days. Lycus kept watch and never left his side. Yet when Kalen woke, he looked around in panic.

“How did we get here?” Kalen asked, clutching his head. “I had the strangest dream,” Kalen muttered under Lycus' watchful gaze.

“You don’t remember?” Lycus asked him, and he could see the lost expression on his face.

“Did you get a chance to speak to the owner of the laundromat?” Kalen asked. That was last week, and Lycus realized Kalen had not only no memory of that night but had lost almost an entire week.

“Yeah she hired someone else,” Lycus explained. Kalen seemed confused as he took in his surroundings. So Lycus never mentioned that night but it made Lycus wonder if Kalen knew what he was capable of. So, he decided to keep it to himself.

Yet Lycus noticed though, that the longer he went without his meds the stronger his aura got, the more unstable he got and the more depressed. So, as a last resort, he walked into the strip club and asked for a job.

The manager told him Kalen could work the kitchens but he wanted Lycus on the floor. Lycus hated the idea, hated the idea of not having Kalen within sight. Yet after the first week, he had enough to put Kalen on his medication again. He worried that if Kalen lost control like he did that night it would have him noticed by the authorities and he knew that he would be powerless to stop them if they came for him.

Yet Kalen’s medication was extremely expensive when his father found him, once again. His father waited until his shift was over and Lycus did his best to ignore his presence. He knew Kalen was safe out the back in the kitchens, he just hoped Kalen didn’t stumble out looking for him.

As Lycus jumped off the stage, snatching up his tips. “Your boyfriend, interesting gifts he has,” his father sneered and Lycus stopped.

“What do you want?” Lycus sneered at him.

“I noticed you going to the pharmacy a fair bit, talked to the pharmacist and his medication is quite expensive,” his father told him. Lycus just shook his head and turned his back.

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