Page 72 of Tasting Darkness

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Suddenly the image dissipates, and moves to the next.

Yet his last core memory was of Kalen's suicide, and how Lycus watched his depression grow out of hand when I didn't reply to the chat group.

I realized that all of Lycus' hate for me at the start was purely for that reason; he saw me as the person responsible for taking the one person who meant the most to him, the one person he spent the vast majority of his life protecting. Lycus saw me as the villain that repeatedly broke him and drove him to the edge. He blamed my absence for Kalen's destruction and blamed me for him killing himself.

That hate only stopped that night in the abandoned part of the castle, when I took it from Kalen. Only then did Lycus see past his hate for me. Only then did his opinion of me change. Only then did he realize I wasn't the enemy but the missing piece, their keeper and their mate but most of all the one that could piece Kalen back together again.

Once the last memory hit me, I came out of it exceedingly fast. The last time I shredded, I was exhausted, but my bond was desperate, tugging me to finish completing it before Darius could forcibly stop it, hungry for power, knowledge, and for them. Hours could have passed, yet I knew it was only moments that I was trapped in that state.

Time wasn't in play at this time, and I was stronger. My body devoured his memories as if it devoured his magic fast, hard, and unforgivingly. My bond knew what I wanted and craved, and I knew what I needed to do. There was no other answer.

My eyes opened to find Lycus hovering over me as he went to lay me on the couch.

“Aleera?” he murmurs as my eyes flutter. He seems astonished, yet I feel the nervousness that washes through him at what I now know, making me wonder if the others know what Kalen was, yet the feeling I got from him is Lycus never told them and they never questioned.

This one secret Lycus harbored and kept even from them. It made me wonder what secrets Tobias kept and ultimately, what Darius kept. Yet I don’t have time to ponder further as power surges in my veins, and tickles my veins as it burns cold. It’s ice cold as his magic seeps into my bones and I can feel its icy tendrils filling and burning into my soul until that icy feeling starts to boil, sizzling, and turning my blood to molten lava.

Lycus gasps when I practically throw him off of me.

Only one other could satisfy this need inside me, this deep desire for power, a hunger that could not be satiated. This overwhelming urge to know, to put the puzzle pieces together. A deep desire to mend the bonds that were broken for so long, to repair my mates. After seeing Lycus' memories, I needed Tobias, and I would have him no matter what.

If Darius tried to stop me, I'd fight him down, however he remained where he was, still in the same place.

“Aleera,” Darius growls. His voice is husky, and I can tell from the sharp outline of his body that watching me fuck, cum, and mark our mates had done wonderful things to his insides. His cock is straining against the fabric of his pants.

He could pretend to be above it all if he wanted, but we both knew if he could get away with it without consequences, he would fuck me until I was a broken mess, then fuck the pieces until he shattered me.

And I would love every moment of it and so would he, he just didn't want anyone to know the dark desires that filled him, flooded the bond and I had a feeling our desires weren't so far apart, and are one in the same.

“What?” I snarl looking over my shoulder at him.

He nods to the couch again. “On the couch. Kneel on it this time.” My bond wants to rebel against his order this time, to see if it would force him to participate, yet I force it down, knowing Darius could force my shred to end if he really wanted to, so it’s best to give him what he wants than risk a needle in the ass that would end it all like last time.

Devilsbane would end this and even my bond recognizes right now we are at the mercy of the shred and Darius, so I comply with his demands.

My body quivers at his command. As much as I want to say no, I also know that Darius' orders bring unbearable pleasures like any other. I would drown in it and still be desperate for more.

Tobias comes behind me, kissing my neck and breathing against it. “On your knees,” he growls into my ear. “You're mine now, Aleera. Darius wants to watch me fuck you. You're showing your true colors now my Naughty Girl. Kneel.”

I don’t hesitate. I retreat back to the soaked couch cushions and kneel on them. The scent of sex surrounds me, but it does nothing to relieve the pounding in my blood, the thrum between my thighs.

Tobias kisses my ass, the cushion dipping behind me as he comes to kneel behind me. He runs his tongue from the dip of my lower back all the way to my shoulder which he bites. I hiss as he breaks my skin before the euphoria of his bite sends my bond soaring, as his arm wraps around my chest, pulling me up on my knees while his hand squeezes my breast.

The warmth of his chest seeps into my back as he feeds on me. Blood trails down my neck, over my collarbone, before running between my breasts. Just then, Lycus growls leaning forward and licking up the blood trail, his tongue following it back to my lips. Lycus kisses me, and I kiss him back, the bond wanting them both when Tobias pulled his fangs from my neck, reaching for him with his other hand. He grips the back of Lycus' neck, ripping his lips away, then crashing his lips against Lycus'.

Kalen groans at the sight of them, and Darius clears his throat, making Tobias pull away from him, shoving him back as the high of his bite starts to leave.

Tobias grips my throat, tilting my head back. “I never said you could kiss him. You're mine right now,” he growls and he kisses me hungrily before I can protest that Lycus kissed me, not the other way around.

My blood coats my tongue as he forces his tongue past my lips, kissing me deeply before he shoves me forward onto my hands and knees again. Pulling back, he smacks me with his open palm making one cheek burn with a sweet intense pain.

“Stay still,” he orders.

Darius continues to watch. He slumps onto the armchair across from us by the fireplace, kicking his pants off and revealing his own magnificent cock. “Again,” he orders. He gathers the wetness that drips from his tip and uses it for lubrication as he watches the show.

Tobias doesn’t need to be told twice. He smacks my ass again, harder this time and on the other cheek. I moan into it and he rubs the spot.

“There's my good girl. Do you want another?”

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