Page 44 of Savage's Honor

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“Come on, baby, you got this?” Savage says, brushing my hair away from my face.

Breathing in and out through the contraction, I squeeze his hand. I refused to get the epidural, and now I’m regretting it. The pain is excruciating, but I know it’ll be worth it. I’ll finally be able to hold the child I’ve been carrying within my body.

Savage and I didn’t find out what we were having. We’d wanted it to be a surprise. But we picked names for both a boy and girl.

“You’re almost there, Honor,” Dr. Goodwin declares from between my legs, where she’s waiting for me to push this child out. “On the next contraction, I want you to give one big push. I can see the head.”

“It’s going to be okay, baby. Hold my hand, break some fingers if you have to.”

“You’re not funny.” I shoot him with what I hope is a deadly glare. “You’re not the one pushing out a football.”

“No, that’s all you.” He grins and leans in, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Just think about being able to finally hold him or her.”

“Yeah.” I nod and sigh.

On the next contraction, I give a push and keep going, following Dr. Goodwin’s orders. After several more moments that feel like forever, the room is filled with our baby’s first cry.

“Congratulations, you two, it’s a girl,” Dr. Goodwin announces.

“Hear that, baby? We have a girl.” Savage’s voice takes on that gruff tone he gets when emotions are involved.

Dr. Goodwin lays our baby girl on my chest, and Savage cuts the cord.

The moment is perfect, and I couldn’t be happier.

“So, what’s her name?” Delaney asks, smiling at the sweet baby my cousin, Glacier, is holding. They came up here when Gunner called to tell them I was in labor, and I’m happy they were here when Savage went out to the waiting room to announce we had a girl.

Granted, I didn’t want to be in labor for going on ten hours, but it was all worth it.

Mine and Savage’s little girl is here.

Smiling, I cock my head slightly to meet my man’s gaze. After they moved me to a different room, he climbed up in bed with me and held me and our daughter. He also hasn’t moved from my side since. He just keeps his eyes on the bundle that keeps getting passed around from time to time while holding me close.

I glance back to the others in the room and meet Glacier’s gaze. “Her name is Natalie Asa Winters.”

Glacier’s gaze widens for a split second before he looks back at the little girl he’s holding. A little girl he now shares a name with, even if it’s her middle name.

We picked Natalie’s name to not only honor Savage’s dad but also his son, who never got to live. She’s also honoring my cousin who came into my life when I thought I was alone, unable to see my big brother all the time.

Savage and I agreed the next child we have will also be named to honor Gunner and his sister. We both want our kids to know the legacy they came from, and by giving them names as we pick for them is the beginning of the greatness I know they will be.

“Her name is Prefect,” Glacier states, his eyes lifting back to meet mine.

“We also wanted to ask if you both would be her godparents?” Savage remarks.

“You want us to be her godparents?” Delaney asks, looking shocked.

“Yes, we do.” I nod.

“I’m honored,” Glacier whispers and drops his gaze back to my daughter. “I’ll always be there when you need me, little one. No matter what.”

Who knew that our lives would come to this? All of us finding our happiness. I was damaged, and Savage healed me. And my cousin found the woman who was meant to rescue him, even if it was from himself.

Life has a way of honoring us even when we don’t expect it.

