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“You could tell what kind of woman she is from five minutes of observation?”

I move to sit on the edge of the tub, my legs still outside of the water. “I can tell a lot of things.”

“So, tell me what kind of woman she is.”

It’s a challenge that she believes I’ll fail, but I’m confident in my abilities. “She goes out every weekend and picks up a new guy. She tells you it was just a one-night stand, but she’s secretly hoping he’s going to want more, which he doesn’t. She’s on a high while she waits for his call, but by Tuesday, she hits rock bottom and eats a load of chocolate or baked goods to cheer herself up. She tells everyone everything. No secrets. She wears clothes that are too revealing for the office and allies herself with the queen bitches. She has no relationship with her father…” I trail off, closing my eyes to trawl my brain for anything else I have to add.

“Fuck, Theron.” When I open my eyes, Allie’s mouth is hanging open. “Hang on a minute.” She moves closer. “Have you fucked her? Is that how you know all that?”

“No. And No.”

“So how? Do you like have a degree in psychology or something?”

“I know women, baby.” I don’t mean it to sound smarmy, but it comes out that way and Jonas makes a sound in the back of his throat. “I mean, I’ve known enough women to be able to single out the ones who are trouble with a capital T.”


I swing my legs into the bubbling water, no longer sensing any objection to my presence. “The ones who are hard work. They pretend to be one thing but turn out to be something totally different.”

“He means the unhinged ones.”

When I slide into the bubbling water, my knee brushes Allie’s on one side and Jonas’s on the other. Allie’s bare breasts are close to the surface of the water, her nipples coming into view as bubbles burst and reform. She’s so close that I could brush the back of my hand against her nipple without needing to shift closer. I could reach over and slide my fingers between her legs and find out how tight her almost virgin pussy really is.

“The ones who’ve had difficult childhoods,” I say. “I don’t want to sound mean about your colleague. It’s not her fault. People spend most of their adulthood living out the issues they picked up in childhood.”

“Oh yeah. So, what’s my issue?” Allie stares at me defiantly with eyes the color of honey and pursed lips like a rosebud.

“Your parents were too hard on you. They didn’t give you enough encouragement, so now you find it hard to trust your internal voice.”

Jonas lets out a low whistle.

“And Jonas didn’t get enough attention, so he found a way to get people to notice him by making them laugh.”

“Touche.” He laughs, but it’s wry. “So, what’s your childhood issue?”

“My parents inflated my ego too much. I have to remind myself that it’s only in their house that I’m the king. Everywhere else, I’m just an average Joe.”

“Average Joe with an uncanny sense of observation and analysis.” Allie shakes her head. “You know, I’m a little scared of you now?”

I reach out and tuck a damp curl behind her ear. “You don’t need to be afraid of me, sweet girl. I won’t hurt you. I never use my observations for villainy.”

Allie rolls her neck, easing out tension, and my eyes meet Jonas’s across the water. He knows I’m after him in the lineup. This could be something joint if he’s in agreement and Allie wants it that way. He nods and so do I. An agreement between men. Now we have to find out if this beautiful, intelligent, sweet woman is in agreement.

“So, you were interrupted?” I lift my eyebrows to make my statement a question.

“Yeah, we were.” Jonas shifts beneath the water. “Allie asked for instruction.”

“You wanted lessons?” I ask.

She nods, her tongue darting between her lips.

“Is Jonas a good teacher?”

“I think so.”

“Want to show me what you learned?”

My heart makes a weird thud in my chest as her eyes lower. The slight duck of her head is almost imperceptible, but it’s there. I shove my shorts over my ass and thighs and toss them over the side. My cock is so damn hard, it’s sore. I use my triceps to push up the side of the hot tub, spreading my legs to give Allie easier access. Her eyes settle on my cock as I ease it between my fingers in long, hard, slow pulls.
