Page 20 of Never Letting Go

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Olivia pointed to the window.

“What?” Maya repeated.

“Lightning! There was a flash. Didn’t you see it?”

“I didn’t see anything.” Rita popped a raspberry in her mouth.

“It lit up the whole sky.” Olivia frowned. “I saw it.”

“At least we’re inside.” Ariana tried to smile. “And soon we’ll all be lying in rooms with soothing music for our massages.”

“That’s right,” Maya said. “It’s going to be heavenly. Which one did you pick? I’m getting the one that includes a scalp massage. I can hardly wait.”

“Is that the one where they put oils in your hair?” Rita asked.

“Yeah. I’m totally going to need to shampoo after that.”

“Nice. I’m obviously getting the prenatal massage.” She turned to Ariana and Olivia. “What did you two choose?”

Olivia spoke first. “I was stuck between the oily scalp and the one that focuses on massaging the hands and feet. I went with that one.”

Everyone turned to Ariana. She nearly blurted out about the threatening picture, but managed to keep quiet. “I picked the hot stone massage.”

“That one sounded amazing!” Rita sighed. “We’ll have to compare stories afterward.”

They talked about what they were looking forward to with each type of treatment while they finished off the fruit platter. It was almost enough for Ariana to forget about the threat. Almost.

The lady who brought in the food returned. She suggested they dry off and get ready to be called back to their private rooms. In the luxurious changing room, they put on the softest, thickest robes Ariana had ever had the pleasure of wearing.

The masseuses came in one by one, taking each of them back to different rooms. A beautiful woman with braided hair introduced herself as Kiki. She led Ariana to a dim room that smelled like a flower garden. She made small talk as she helped her onto the table. After Ari was settled, Kiki asked a few questions about her preferences then told her a little bit about the hot stones.

It was enough to make Ariana forget her problems. Before long, she was in a state halfway between awake and asleep. Between Kiki’s magical fingers and the hot rocks on her back, the rest of the world disappeared from her thoughts.

After just five minutes, Kiki said the session was over.

Ariana blinked a few times. It took her a moment to find her voice. “I thought it was supposed to be an hour.”

Kiki grinned. “It’s shocking how fast the time flies, isn’t it?”


“I’ll give you a few minutes to get dressed, and then I’ll take you to the facial room to meet with your friends.”

“Thanks.” It took Ari a minute to get herself off the table. She used the warmed towels to get some of the oils off her skin before climbing back into the robe that felt like wearing a warm hug.

Kiki talked the whole way to the facial room, which was a larger version of the space she’d just left. Rita and Olivia were already there, looking at some items on a counter. Maya came in a few minutes later, her oily hair sticking out in a dozen different directions.

After they all decided on their next treatments, they each sat in chairs next to each other, hardly saying anything.

They were all too relaxed. The facials only added to it. Much more of this, and Ariana might never be able to speak again. Not that it seemed like a bad thing. Those too went by in what felt like no time.

Soon, they were being led down another hall for their pedicures. Ariana was certain she’d fall asleep during that. This was far more pampering than she was used to. Sure, she treated herself to a spa day once in a while — usually with her friends — but it was never like this. It had to cost Grayson a small fortune.

She did fall asleep — deep, dreamless, and thoroughly relaxing.

Rita shook her awake. Ariana wiggled her toes, checking out her nails. They were a beautiful burgundy color. All four of them got the same shade, as it matched the dresses the bridesmaids would be wearing.

The same woman who’d brought them the fruit platter led them back to the area where the hot tub was and told them they had an hour to use any of the pools, the hot tub, or rainforest room. She brought in more fruit and green smoothies.
