Page 21 of Never Letting Go

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Ariana rubbed her stomach. “I’m going to be too full for dinner after this.”

They all agreed, but that didn’t stop them from grabbing the drinks or more food.

“I don’t know about you all,” Maya said, “but I’m dying to check out the rainforest room.”

“I’ve been to a similar one on a cruise,” Rita said. “It was amazing. I can’t wait to see if this one is similar.”

The rooms were all humid and had the sounds of birds chirping. One room had a light mist spraying from every angle, another had a pool, and another had beds of hot stones. They went from one to the other, and before they knew it, their time was up.

“I just want to climb into bed and sleep forever,” Ariana said.

“All I want is a shower.” Maya pulled on her oily hair.

Once they were all cleaned and dressed, they gathered their personal items from the lockers.

Maya groaned. “I forgot the code I chose.”

Olivia typed four numbers on the keypad. The locker opened.

“How’d you know?” Maya exclaimed.

“Because you always choose the same one!”

Rita chuckled before opening hers. Then she shrieked.

Ariana’s heart skipped a beat, and most of her relaxation drained away. “What?”

Rita just pointed to the locker.

On top of her purse lay a dead cockroach, its legs pointing up to the ceiling.


Ariana squeezed Damon’s hand as they entered the restaurant. Her heart was still racing from the cockroach. After seeing that, she had no other choice but to finally tell Rita about the drawing. She showed her the picture she’d taken of it.

Rita hadn’t seemed half as rattled as Ariana, saying that Mateo was behind it all.

But it was a big leap to go from whoopee cushions and faking a drowning to death threats — and in Ariana’s mind, both the drawing and the bug were threats. Especially when taken together.

Besides, how would Mateo have gotten into Rita’s locker? He’d have had to know her code.

Despite Ari’s doubts, Rita had held her head high and insisted it was Mateo. Said he was probably mad that he’d been kicked out of the wedding party and replaced by Damon, and that’s why he was going to such extremes.

Ariana wasn’t so sure.

When they reached the restaurant, the former groomsman wasn’t there. So, maybe Rita was right. He could’ve left, not wanting to even watch his cousin get married after being dishonored.

Grayson and Rita waved them over. The rest of the wedding party was already gathered around them. All the remaining guests were at other tables, and the room was loud with conversation.

Rita spoke excitedly about the masquerade ball that would follow dinner.

Since nobody else was discussing Mateo or the threats, Ariana didn’t bring them up. However, they wouldn’t leave her mind.

There was a security guard staying close to Rita, so that gave her some comfort. Right now, he stood against a wall, keeping his gaze in their direction.

If a stick figure drawing and a dead cockroach were the worst of it, she’d be glad.

The lights flickered overhead.
