Page 23 of Never Letting Go

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Not that it mattered if they had a potential killer in their midst. Why else would someone draw that horrible picture? If they didn’t mean harm, at the very least they wanted to scare Rita. Nobody would make such a vile sketch if they didn’t want to upset anyone.

The longer Mateo stayed away, the more likely it seemed he was behind the picture.


To my one and only,

You haven’t alleviated my anger. It’s growing worse. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep control over it.

We’re meant to be together. You and me. Only us. But somehow you can’t see that. You won’t even look my way, refusing to acknowledge my existence.

It’s like you don’t even know I’m alive.

Yet my every thought is consumed by you. I must have you.

Wewillbe together. I’ll do anything to get your attention. To getyou. Then everyone will fawn over us. We’ll be center stage. You’ll see.

You won’t be able to ignore me forever. That much I promise.

All my love,

Your one and only

(Even if you don’t realize it yet. You will. I promise.)


“Masks on or off?” The photographer held the camera in position.

“On,” Rita said quickly, not giving Grayson a chance to object. They would have plenty of other pictures this weekend without the masks. It was a masquerade ball, after all.

He put his arm around her and kissed her cheek.

A bright light flashed as the photographer snapped a picture. “Great! Now let’s get one with you two looking this way.”

Rita gave her best smile, and the light flashed again, this time temporarily blinding her.

“Beautiful! Just gorgeous!”

A bright dot covered her vision every time she blinked as she and Grayson entered the dance hall. It was like stepping into another time period, perhaps joining a king and queen for a big Victorian-era event. But in this case, as the bride and groom, she and Grayson were the royalty.

The only thing that didn’t fit the time period was the loud music playing over the speakers. The playlist was a mix of the current chart toppers and favorite songs she and Grayson had picked out.

Several couples were already dancing. It was fun to guess who was who, given the masks and formalwear. When she’d sent the invites for the weekend, she’d specifically asked all the women to wear dresses they hadn’t already worn to other events.

Grayson led her to the dance floor then pulled her close. “Can you believe we’ll be getting married tomorrow? We’re getting closer and closer to the big ceremony.”

Her heart fluttered at the thought, and she grinned. “I can hardly wait! I’m so glad we have all these other events to keep us busy and distracted. I’d probably be an excited mess if I was just sitting around.”

“I’m glad you’re having a good time.” He traced her jaw with his thumb before kissing her gently on the lips.

She could hardly feel the ground beneath her feet. It was almost too good to be true that they were getting married in a few short hours.

The hairs on the back of her neck rose, and a chill ran down her spine.

Again? Now?

She whipped her head around, looking for anyone anomalous in the crowd. But everyone was paired off and paying attention to their dance partners. Nobody was alone, no one looked her way.
