Page 24 of Never Letting Go

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But why did it feel like she was the center of someone’s attention?

“Are you okay?” Grayson asked.

She focused on him and gave him her best smile. “Couldn’t be better.”

He lifted a brow.

Rita still hadn’t told him about the drawing Ariana had found, and she didn’t plan to bring it up now. They were going to enjoy this ball and get married the next day.

Nothing was going to get in the way of that. She’d see to it personally. If someone wanted to try and sabotage her life, they could wait until after her honeymoon or deal with the consequences of trying to mess with her now.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Grayson asked. “You seem lost in thought.”

She looked into his eyes. “Lost in your arms.”

He grinned. “I’m not sure I buy that, but I’ll take it for now. If something’s bothering you, let me know. We’re a team.”

“You’re the first person I’d tell anything to.” She was just putting off telling him about the cockroach and the drawing. There was no definitive proof that either one of those were actually placed where they were to be a threat to her. The bug could’ve just happened to have been there, and the drawing could’ve been done by a kid with an overactive imagination.

It was possible. And for now, that was the story she was going with. If things changed, then she’d bring them up to her fiancé. For now, she wanted to enjoy the ball.

Lights continued to flash outside in the hallway. After each one, a new couple or group stepped into the room. The dance floor was filling up quickly with masked beauty queens and kings. It was exactly as she’d imagined. Best of all, there hadn’t been a single prank all day. With Javier on his best behavior and Mateo doing whatever he was doing, everything was going as planned.

When Grayson asked if she wanted to take a break, she realized she was parched. They headed to the fancy snack tables. She inhaled half the punch bowl but still found herself thirsty.

People came up to them, gushing over how gorgeous they both were. Her belly was impossible to hide in the emerald green dress she’d picked for the evening. It hadn’t been so pronounced when she’d tried it on a week earlier, but she still rocked it, so who cared if it made her identity easier to figure out? She was the bride.

Everything went dark. And quiet.

A clap of thunder shook the outside wall.

Some kids shrieked.

The lights and music turned back on as quickly as they’d disappeared, then the DJ stopped the song to speak into a mic. “The storm is getting worse outside, but don’t worry! If the power goes out completely, the generators will kick in and start working within ten minutes. Let’s get back to partying!”

Some people cheered.

“There you are!” Ariana appeared next to Rita. “Damon and I were trying to catch up with you on the dance floor, and then you disappeared.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been looking forward to this ball for so long!”

“Do you need anything?” Ari asked.

“Just for the lights to stay on.”

“I’m not sure what I can do about that, but if I can find a way to ensure they do, I will.”

Rita hugged her. “Just go have fun. You don’t have to fuss over me all weekend. Enjoy yourself.”

“I’m your maid of honor.”

“Not tonight. You’re a guest on a date with your hubby. Forget about me.”

The lights flickered.

“Maybe I should put you on light duty,” Rita teased. “But seriously, dance the night away! You deserve it.”

Ariana gave her another hug. “Did I mention how insanely gorgeous you look tonight?”
