Page 27 of Never Letting Go

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Rita looked around. The shadows created strange shapes on the walls and floor. They all looked like ghouls and gargoyles.

It was all her imagination.

She straightened her back and held the pencil-like flashlight like a weapon. “Hello?”


“Is someone in here?”


Her mouth was now even drier than it had been before she’d drank all the punch, which was probably the reason she’d had to go to the bathroom so badly in the first place. She cursed herself for gulping down so much of it. Too late to be mad at herself now.

She shone the light around. Didn’t see anyone. But she also couldn’t see around the small row of stalls. It was the perfect pocket of space for a person to hide.

A few beats of silence passed. It was entirely possible she was overreacting. Making things up in her head. Letting her imagination get the best of her.

Rita set down the flashlight on the counter, aimed toward the door. If anyone approached, she’d see them. There’d be no hiding.

If anyone was there, they weren’t moving.

She washed her hands quickly, keeping an eye on the mirror.

Nobody stepped out of the shadows.

While drying her hands, the door opened and closed quickly.

If she hadn’t just used the bathroom, she’d have emptied her bladder right there. She dropped the towel. Left it on the floor. Grabbed the flashlight and stepped over to where she could see around the stalls. Shone the light on the space.


She leaned against the wall and gasped for air. It was a good thing she was alone, and nobody could see how foolish she was being. All because the power was out.

Weren’t the generators supposed to start working soon? It seemed like hours had passed, even though it had probably only been a few minutes.

At least with all this time passing, the lights were sure to turn on any second.

She waited.

Waited some more.

In darkness.

The last thing she wanted was to open that door. If she hadn’t imagined someone being in here, they were likely waiting for her outside. Why else come in and leave without using the toilet?

It could only be to scare her. Or worse.

She didn’t want to think about the worse.

Rita stared at the ceiling, willing the lights to turn on. It would be a lot harder for someone to get away with harming her in the light.

But the darkness remained.

How long did it take for a generator to start working?
