Page 26 of Never Letting Go

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Rita snickered. “Fine, for now. But I’ll be back.”

Her grandma’s only response was to bite into one of the cupcakes.

“Enjoy your sugar.”

She nodded and waved her off again.

Rita got up and looked around for Grayson. It was impossible to tell who was who given the only lighting was from cell phones.

Suddenly, she had to go to the bathroom. Desperately. Either from the change in positions or because the baby had moved. But regardless of the cause, she needed to find a restroom right away.

There wasn’t anything in the ballroom. She’d have to go out into the hallway.

At least the power would be back on soon. If not on its own, then from the generators.

Rita hurried to the hall. As soon as she stepped out, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She shone the light around. No one was there.

But the feeling of being watched only grew stronger.


Rita raced down the hallway, using the tiny flashlight to find the nearest women’s restroom. After hurrying in, she shone the light on the floor, checking the stalls. All empty.

She locked herself in the middle one then emptied her bladder. It was surprising how often she needed to use the bathroom these days. She’d always heard stories about pregnancy, but reality was even crazier than the tales she’d heard.

Just as she was about to flush, the door creaked open.

Her breath caught in her throat.

The door closed. No footsteps sounded.

Maybe someone had started to go in then opted not to. A guy who’d accidentally gone to the wrong restroom, perhaps.

She reached for the handle to flush.

Breathing sounded.

Rita froze. Her heart pounded so loudly, she couldn’t hear anything else.

This was crazy. She was letting a dead bug and a child’s drawing get the best of her, just because a storm had made the power go out.

She took several deep breaths.

So did someone else.

She swore under her breath.

Maybe it wasn’t as bad as she was imagining. What if the breathing sounds were just a fan? Or something else as easily explained?

She flushed and kept her attention on the floor. Her eyes were adjusting now, and if anyone started walking around, she’d be able to see the movement.

Nobody moved. No feet walked outside the stall. Not a sound came from the other side of her door.

Beads of sweat formed around her hairline. She struggled to breathe normally.

This was no time to be weak. She had a baby to protect. A daughter. And a wedding in less than twenty-four hours. Too much was on the line to let anyone or anything get in the way of her bright future.

She slowly unlocked the stall. Listened. Waited. Pulled open the door.
