Page 30 of Never Letting Go

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“Who is it?”

“I don’t know!” She yanked harder.

Ariana struggled to keep up. “What happened?”

“I had to pee. Someone followed me to the bathroom. They came in then stepped out, a tease, maybe? To scare me? I waited for the generator to restore the lights, but it never kicked on. When I got up the nerve, I ran. But they were waiting. I screamed and threw a trashcan at them, then they chased me down the hall!”

“Where is he now?” Ari looked around.

“No idea. Don't even know if it’s a he. Didn’t see or hear anything defining.”

“You’re sure someone was there?”

“They grabbed my arm! I’m going to have bruises on my wedding day. They—” Rita screamed.


Rita pointed toward the ballroom.

A male figure was heading their way.

“Don’t come near us!” Rita yelled. “You’re outnumbered!”

The lights flickered overhead. Then they flooded on.

It was Damon headed their way.

Rita leaned against Ariana, gasping for air.

He ran toward them. “Is everything okay?”

“Someone followed Rita into the bathroom.”

“And tried to attack me.” Rita held up her arm. Sure enough, there were red swollen marks on her skin.

“We can cover those with makeup tomorrow,” Ariana said. “Nobody’ll know the difference.”

Damon looked down the hall. “Where’d he go?”

Rita rubbed her marks. “I don’t know that it was a he. Men don’t usually have nails that long.”

“I’ll find him or her.” He raced down the hall.

“Do you want to wash that off?” Ariana asked. “If she cut your skin with her nails, germs could’ve gotten in there and—”

“I just want Grayson. Is he still in the ballroom?”

“As far as I know.” Ariana wrapped an arm around Rita then guided her toward the dance hall. “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. My attacker was nothing compared to the one I dealt with before. She only had the advantage because of the dark.”

They came to the ballroom, which was filled with people in formalwear, some in masks and others not, wandering around.

Grayson ran over. He pulled Rita into his arms. “There you are! What happened?”

She told him about the attack.

His brows drew together. “This is getting out of hand. We need to call the police.”
