Page 31 of Never Letting Go

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“No! I don’t want anything getting in the way of our wedding. If the cops come around, our guests are going to freak out and leave. The ceremony is hours away. We can get through this. I’m not letting some psycho get in the way of our marriage.”

“If someone is out to get you, they need to go down!”

Rita stepped back and crossed her arms. “I’m serious. This is our wedding — I’m not about to let anyone get in the way.”

Ariana stepped between them. “How about this? I’ll talk with someone at the front desk. They can have the staff keep an eye on things. Does that sound like a good plan?”

Before either could respond, Rita’s mom ran over to her. “Yourabuelais missing!”

Rita’s mouth fell open. “What do you mean,missing?”


“How far could she go?” Rita exclaimed. “She has arthritis and can barely walk.”

“We need to find her!”

Rita’s face paled, and she took a step back.

Grayson rested a hand on her shoulder and steadied her. “I’ll ask around and find out if anyone has seen her. We’re in the middle of nowhere, so it isn’t like she wandered into traffic. She’s safe. We just have to find her.”

Rita frowned. “Unless that woman went after her.”

“What woman?” Rita’s mom asked.

Ariana pulled her away from the bride and groom. “Tell me about your mother-in-law, Mrs. Fuentes. I’ll help you look for her. Like Grayson said, she couldn’t have gone far.”

Mrs. Fuentes glanced back at him. “This place you picked is dangerous. First your groomsman goes missing, now my husband’s mother!”

Ariana pulled her farther away from them. “Does she get confused? Maybe she—”

“No. She’s sharp as a nail. Who are you, anyway?”

“I’m Rita’s best friend.”

She scowled. “Of course I don’t even know my own daughter’s best friend.”

“We’ll find your mother-in-law.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I’m certain.” Ariana started to lead her toward the hallway when Zander ran up to them, his eyes wild.

Ari’s stomach knotted. She wasn’t sure she could take any more bad news. “Is everything okay?” she asked her younger brother.

“Alonzo is missing.”

“Grayson’s son?” The boy was only five years old.

Zander nodded. “Brayden and I were supposed to be watching him, but he disappeared. He thought the power outage was funny and wanted to play hide and seek.”

“There’s your answer — he’s just hiding. He’s fine.”

“But we can’tfindhim!”

Mrs. Fuentes scowled. “First Mateo, then my mother-in-law goes missing, now that kid? This place is clearly cursed. I knew nothing good could come from a building named Ravenwood.”

“Nobody’s missing. We just have to find them.”
