Page 33 of Never Letting Go

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Ari gave her friend a hug. “I’m sure Grayson and his brother will figure something out.”

“I can’t sit around doing nothing! My grandma and stepson are missing. And if I find out Mateo or Javier had anything to do with that…” Her voice trailed off. “They’ll regret it. That’s all I’m going to say at this point.”

Ariana stepped back and glanced around. “Let’s talk to my dad. He’ll know what to do.”

“Let’s hope. Where is he?”

“I’m not sure.” Between the darkness and the masks, it was next to impossible to tell anyone apart. “Let’s walk around.”

Ariana kept her hand on Rita as they wandered the ballroom. The bride was not going to disappear on her watch. She’d stay with her all night if that was what it took.

Halfway across the room, Ari came to her mom. But not her dad.

“Where’s Dad?” she asked.

Mom lifted her mask. “He heard about Rita’s grandma and went looking for her.”

Ariana groaned. “Do you know what direction he went?”

“I’m not sure. He went with Grayson’s dad and some other guy out into the hall. Beyond that, it’s anyone’s guess where they went.”

Ari turned to Rita. “Stay here with my mom. I’m going to find my dad.”

“I already told you, I’m not going to sit around waiting!”

“We can’t risk you going missing too. Please, stay with my mom. There’s safety in numbers, and there are plenty of people in here. If you insist on doing something, ask the guests if they’ve seen your grandma or Alonzo.”

Rita visibly stiffened. “I should be out there.”

“I know you want to help, but you’re safer around a bunch of people.”

“Fine, but do whatever you can. Please.”

“You know me. I don’t do anything halfway.”

“Thank you. And hurry!”

“I will.” Ariana raced from the room, weaving her way around the people milling about. The tone of the room had turned dark, a stark contrast to the earlier celebratory mood.

Hopefully everyone would turn up quickly and the lights would come back on so Rita could continue with the dance she’d put so much effort into planning.

The hall was as dark as it had been earlier. More voices sounded this time. She couldn’t tell if any were her dad’s. They all blended together. What she wouldn’t give for a huge flashlight. Or better yet, the power returning. She didn’t want to think about the possibility of someone cutting it on purpose, but it was looking to be the case the longer everything remained dark.

Ari headed in the direction of the front desk. Her dad might’ve gone that way to let the staff know about the missing people.

What a mess. Hopefully everything would turn around for Rita’s big day.

She asked everyone she passed if they’d seen her dad or any of the missing people, Mateo included. Nobody had.

Acid churned in her stomach as she made her way down the hall. She was supposed to turn down a corridor at some point, but everything looked the same in the dark. It was also creepier. The person who had grabbed Rita could be anywhere.

Someone bumped into her. A scream stuck in Ariana’s throat. She held up her fists to fight. “I have a machete!”


Her muscles turned to rubber. It was Dad.

“You’re walking around with a machete?” he asked.
