Page 32 of Never Letting Go

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“Same difference.”

Ariana turned to her brother. “Do you have any idea where Alonzo might be hiding?”

“The kids and I have been looking everywhere. We can’t find him!”

“Does Grayson know?”

Zander shook his head. “We haven’t told anyone because nobody wants to get in trouble.”

“Getting in trouble is the least of anyone’s worries. We need to find the boy. Go tell Grayson!”

“I’m getting Brayden.” Zander bolted from the room.

Mrs. Fuentes turned to Ariana. “What is going on here? Did my daughter and that newscaster bring us all here to die?”

Ariana chose her words carefully. “Of course not. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for everything.”

“Three missing people in just over a day? That’s no coincidence.”

She couldn’t argue that point. Something nefarious was clearly going on. And they needed to get to the bottom of it before anyone else disappeared.


Everything went black.

Ariana looked around, momentarily blinded after having gotten used to the light.

Several people gasped and cried out. Worried conversation sounded around her. Mrs. Fuentes spoke angrily in Spanish.

Ariana found her phone then shone the light around. When the anemic beam landed on Rita, she ran over to her friend. “Don’t go anywhere alone. Promise me?”

“After what I just went through? There’s no way.”

“How could the power have gone out again?” Ariana asked. “The generators should have enough power to keep them on for longer than that.”

“Someone has to be trying to stop the wedding,” Rita said.

“What makes you think that?” Grayson said.

“Look at everything that’s happened! Everything points to that being the case. The picture, the cockroach, my abuelita going missing!”

Ariana cleared her throat. “That isn’t all. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but nobody can find Alonzo either. Though I’m sure everyone is fine. It isn’t like they could’ve gone far.”

“We have to find them!” Grayson said. “Rita’sabuelitais so fragile, and Alonzo is just a baby himself!”

Rita turned to Grayson. “What are we going to do?”

He took a deep breath. “Like Ariana said, we’re going to find them.”

“How? The power’s out again!”

“I see that,” he snapped. “You stay here with Ariana, and I’ll come up with something.”

“Let me help.”

“No. Someone is after you. I’m not letting you disappear too. Emerson will help me figure out what’s going on.” He ran off.

Rita turned to Ariana. “What are we going to do? This is a disaster!”
