Page 45 of Never Letting Go

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“That’s right. Like I said, jealous.”

Trey finally stopped pacing the circle. He pointed to the floor near Grayson. “What’s that?”

Damon leaned forward to look under the groom.

A knife stuck out from under the seat. Something red covered the blade.

Someone screamed.

Grayson leaped up. “What the hell?”

Damon shoved his chair back to get a closer look at the weapon. It looked like a generic knife that would be in anyone’s kitchen. And something red was definitely smeared all over it. His heart sank. Had everyone been wrong about Grayson?

“Who put this here?” Grayson demanded.

“Looks like it fell from your pocket!” Trey pointed a finger at him.

“Abloodyknife just fell out of my pocket?” Grayson asked. “How stupid do you think I am?”

“You tell me.”

Several people scrambled from their seats.

“Don’t touch it!” Damon leaped in front of Grayson’s chair. “It’s evidence.”

“I need a closer look.” Grayson reached for a pocket.

A number of gasps sounded around the room.

“I’m gettinggloves.” Grayson waved around a pair of latex gloves.

“You carry those around during a masquerade ball?” Trey accused.

“Always. In my line of work, I’ve learned how necessary they are. There are plenty of documents I don’t want to get my fingerprints on. But why am I explaining this to you when one of my best friends is dead, andyouprobably did it?”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re the one who’s desperate to make me look like the killer. Are you trying to get the attention off yourself for some reason?” Grayson arched a brow.

“Now Iknowyou’ve lost your mind!”

Grayson slid on the gloves then reached for the knife.


Damon’s breath hitched as he leaned forward, struggling to get a good view of the knife in the dim lighting.

He and Grayson exchanged a knowing look.

Grayson held up the weapon. “Ketchup? Are you kidding me?” He turned to Trey. “If you’re going to frame me for murder, at least don’t be an idiot! A preschooler can tell the difference between a condiment and blood.”

“I didn’t put that there!”

“No? You seem like the most likely candidate.”

Trey’s brows furrowed. “How do we know you didn’t put it there to make it look like someone is framing you?”

“What kind of lunacy is that?”
