Page 47 of Never Letting Go

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“I really think we should find one if we can. I’d hate to see someone accidentally touch it — then their prints are on it. Rita doesn’t need that kind of stress.”

“You’re right. But where are we going to find a bag?”

“The kitchen. You don’t happen to know where it is, do you?”

Grayson shook his head. “I did see a map of the building in one of these drawers, though.” He opened a few drawers before pulling out a folded paper.

They studied it and found the kitchen not far from the ballroom.

“This wasn’t how I imagined getting my steps in tonight,” Grayson muttered. “Rita and I were supposed to dance the night away, and Mateo was supposed to still be alive.”

Damon put a hand on Grayson’s shoulder. “Tomorrow you two will say your vows then head off to your honeymoon and start your new life. Focus on that.”

“But Mateo’sdead. How can I go on with the wedding as planned? That makes it look like I don’t even care. It seems heartless.”

“Would he want you to go on? Or would he want you to stop everything?”

Grayson frowned. “I guess he’d probably want me to get married. But I’m going to be wracked with guilt — one of my best friends was just killed. Not just killed, but murdered!”

“I understand.”

“Has someone you loved been the victim of homicide?”

“My mother.”

Grayson swore. “I’m so sorry.”

“You couldn’t have known. I don’t advertise it.” And he especially didn’t advertise the fact that he was the son of a notorious serial killer. “But I do know about mourning the tragic loss of someone close to you. If Mateo really did care about you like I think he did, he’d have wanted you to go on. Maybe we can come up with a way to honor him at the ceremony.”

“I’ll think about it. And I really am sorry about your mom. I had no idea.”

“It happened a long time ago.”

“Does hearing about other murders make it all come back?” Grayson’s eyes shone with tears. “Will it always hurt this much?”

“Life gets more bearable. Most of the time I’m able to focus on the good memories without getting upset, but even now I have days when the grief hits and I just have to ride it out. I don’t think you ever really get past losing someone like that.”

Grayson nodded then cleared his throat. “Let’s find that kitchen. After that, I want to go to my suite and see Rita. We should try to get some rest. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get any sleep tonight.”

“All we can do is try.”

They made their way down the hall, using the map to navigate. The kitchen was down a corridor with several turns. Given all the stress, Damon didn’t think he could memorize the route. And if he couldn’t, there was no way Grayson would be able to.

Rita’s two sisters entered the hallway, heading in their direction. One of them screamed, and the other pointed at the knife.

Grayson put it behind his back. “This isn’t what it looks like!”

“It looks like a bloody knife!”

“It’s ketchup. See?” Grayson shone his light on it.

“Why do you have that?” Bella exclaimed.

“Long story. You two should go back to your room.”

“We’re looking for ourabuelita.”

Damon’s stomach knotted. “She’s still missing?”
