Page 49 of Never Letting Go

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Ari leaned closer to study it. “Is that ketchup?”

“Yeah. The idiot thought that was a good idea.”

“Blood turns brown pretty quickly,” Ariana said.

“He clearly didn’t realize that.”

“Are the police here?” she asked.

“No,” Damon said. “And we also can’t find anyone at the hotel desk.”

“Really? The guy who was supposed to be keeping an eye on Rita hasn’t been around either. I assumed he was busy with something else, but now it seems suspicious. Doesn’t it? Or is that my fatigue talking?”

“We’re confused too,” Damon said.

Grayson nodded. “When I reserved the building, I was told someone would always be at the front desk if we needed anything.”

“I’m sure they weren’t planning on a murder when they told you that.” Ariana turned to Damon. “Do you mind if we check the parking lot? My dad should’ve been back with the local authorities by now.”

“Yeah, let’s see what’s going on.”

“How was Rita before she fell asleep?” Grayson asked.

“Tired and stressed. But she took a bath with the jets on low, and I think that helped.”

“I’m glad she’s able to sleep,” he said. “I’m afraid if I lie down, Mateo’s death is going to hit me and I won’t be able to get any rest.”

“Maybe what you need is a good cry,” Ariana said.

He stiffened. “That won’t change anything.”

“It’ll help release some of the stress and trauma from your body. It’s healing, and while you’re right that it won’t change anything for Mateo, you’ll be a little better off. Not that one cry will fix everything, but it’s a good first step.”

“I’ll think about it. Let me know when the police get here. I want to talk with them.”

“Sure,” Damon said. “We’ll send them over here so you won’t have to leave Rita alone.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Get some rest.” Damon unlocked the door then held it open for Ariana.

The dim hallway was still empty. Ari laced her fingers through Damon’s, and they made their way to the main entrance in silence. She let go of his hand to press her face against the glass door. The overhead lights weren’t on outside, so it was impossible to see if the Charger was there.

She turned to him. “Looks like we’re going outside.”

“I can go out and check so you don’t have to get drenched.”

“Do you really think I’m going to sit this out?”

He snickered. “I know better than to imply that.”

As soon as they stepped outside, the wind whipped her hair against her face and a soggy leaf stuck to her cheek. “This is fun.”

“What?” Damon asked, his voice barely audible over the whistling wind.

She shook her head. “Nothing!”

He lit the way with a flashlight as they walked around, stepping over and around branches and puddles. Her dress was already soaked and clinging to her like a second, cold skin.
