Page 59 of Never Letting Go

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“Nothing, but Trey can be unpredictable, sometimes even dangerous. He’s obviously unhinged and wants to stop the wedding. He’s clearly not above murder, so anything’s possible.”

Grayson groaned. “You make a good point.”

They split the group in half then headed in separate directions.


Damon silently led his group — Ariana, Maya, Olivia, and Javier — to the room where the ceremony was to take place. He was trying to mentally prepare himself for a confrontation with a killer, though his first priority was to keep the others safe.

Trey was obviously incredibly dangerous. He’d already committed one murder — hopefully only one. Emerson and Mrs. Fuentes were still unaccounted for.

Just before they reached their destination, a scraping noise sounded.

Damon stopped and motioned for everyone else to also.

Scrape, scrape.

They exchanged worried and confused glances. What was that? And where was it coming from? Damon cupped his ears and spun in a slow circle.

It seemed to be coming from the ceremony hall.

His breath hitched as he stepped closer.

The noise grew louder. It almost sounded like metal on bone. Or his imagination was on overdrive. That was it. It had to be.

He inched toward the room. The lights were off, but thanks to the large windows, a flash of lightning outside momentarily lit the whole space. The seats and the platform were all empty.

Relief flooded him. No dead bodies.

Not that he could see. The room hadn’t been light long enough for him to see everything.

Ariana gave him a questioning glance.

Damon pulled out a flashlight that was large and heavy enough to double as a weapon if necessary. He stepped just inside the doorway then shone the beam left then right, up then down. Nothing.



He stepped all the way in. Found a light switch. Turned it on.

It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the brightness.

Scrape, scrape.

Damon froze. Looked around.

The noise came from one of the windows. He crept closer.

A branch. There was a large branch rubbing against the glass. That was what was scraping.

He was glad he didn’t voice his thought about a knife scraping bone. It was definitely his overactive imagination. What he needed was a good night’s sleep. And that would only happen if they found Trey soon.

“What is it?” Maya asked.

“Just a branch.” Damon spun around. “Looks like coming here was a bust. We should go back to the rooms and see if the other group found him.”

“We should look around this room more carefully,” Javier said. “I have a feeling he’s been here. He could’ve set some traps, so be careful.”
