Page 58 of Never Letting Go

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After Ariana caught them up, they hurried into the hallway. They all raced to Rita and Grayson’s room.

Rita and Bella were there. No Grayson, no other groomsmen.

Everyone spoke over each other. Damon went over to one of the large picture windows and looked outside. The weather hadn’t gotten any better since they’d been to the parking lot. Leaves and branches flew past the glass, and a flash of lightning lit the sky.

There was no chance the police were coming. Not in this weather when more trees could fall.

The door flung open, and Grayson entered with Javier. Rita ran to her fiancé then threw her arms around him.

Javier frowned when he saw Damon, and he stepped away from Grayson and Rita.

The already loud conversation grew louder.

Damon put his finger and thumb in his mouth and whistled.

Everyone stopped and turned to him.

“We need to focus. There’s a dead groomsman, a missing best man, and a missing grandmother. Worst of all, the police can’t get here, we can’t get out, and we haven’t seen any hotel staff in hours. That means if we want to protect everyone, we need to handle this ourselves. So far, we believe Trey to be responsible for all of this — unless one of you has another theory?”

Nobody said anything.

Damon nodded. “Then our focus is on Trey. We need to find him and stop him. It’s going to take all of us working together. Does anyone know where he is?”

Silence. A few people shook their heads.

“We need a plan, fast. I think we should all go to his room and see if he’s there. The more of us who stand against him, the better our chances of stopping him and hopefully finding out where the missing people are. Any thoughts?”

Javier stepped forward. “If Trey isn’t in his room, I know where he’ll be.”

“Where?” Grayson demanded.

“He’s been acting weird this whole weekend. Talking about Rita nonstop. It’s like he’s obsessed. He—”

“Whereis he?” Grayson made a fist.

“I’m getting to that.”

“We don’t have time for ramblings!”

“You think I’m rambling?”

“Enough!” Rita got in between them and turned to Javier. “If you know where Trey is, tell us.”

Javier’s expression tightened. “I’m only trying to help.”

“Then tell us where he is!”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Javier asked. “He’s in the room where the ceremony is supposed to be held tomorrow. His whole reason for coming this weekend has been to stop it from happening. Where else would he be?”

Grayson marched for the door. “I’m going to duct tape him to a tree! The only way he’s going to stop the wedding is over my dead body.”

“Don’t say that!” Rita ran over to him.

“Trey killed Mateo and abducted Emerson. He could even be behind yourabuelita’sdisappearance!” He looked around the room. “Who’s with me?”

“We should split up,” Javier said. “He might be onto us. Half of us should go to his room, and the other half to the ceremony room — but those people should be careful.”

“Why?” Rita said. “What do you know?”
