Page 10 of Don't Trust Her

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“Nope. You’ve been pigging out all week, yet you don’t seem to be gaining an ounce. Did you start a new workout routine? Find a secret essential oil? What is it?”

I drop the scone I’m holding. “I’ve been ‘pigging out’?”

Megan stares her down. “Rude much?”

“I’m only speaking the truth.” Sylvia plops down in the empty chair that I should’ve moved to a different table when I sat down.

“When exactly have you seen me doing that?” I demand.

She glances at the pile of scones. “There’s this, then there’s those cookies at the PTA meeting.”

The woman is insufferable. “I’d hardly say that’s going overboard.”

“Sounds like you need a hobby,” Megan says. “Maybe you should leave and go find one.”

“That isn’t all.” Sylvia narrows her eyes at me. “I haven’t gotten to the best part.”

I hold back an eye roll. “I can’t wait.”

Sylvia glances between Megan and me slowly, obviously trying to draw out suspense.

“Spit it out.” Megan yawns.

“Wouldn’t it be better if you told her?” Sylvia looks at me.

“Sadly, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Are you serious?” She looks at me like I’ve grown another head.

“Just tell us.”

Sylvia shakes her head and makes a tutting noise. “You don’t remember being at the Cake Shack?”

“Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“Wow. Okay.” Sylvia turns to Megan. “Our Angelina gorged on a six pack of cupcakes—with extra frosting—all by herself.”

I stare at her in disbelief.

She turns to me. “You aren’t going to own up to it?”

“No, because it never happened.”

“Liar.” She narrows her eyes.

“You’re the liar!”

Several people from nearby tables turn and stare.

“I saw you.” Sylvia turns to Megan. “Did you realize your BFF is a stone-cold liar?”

“If she says she wasn’t there, I believe her.”

“She. Was. There.”

“Would you shut up?” I snap. “I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but I haven’t been to the Cake Shack in months, and I certainly haven’t eaten half a dozen cupcakes on my own. I’d end up puking it all up.”

“Oh.” Sylvia’s eyes widen then a slow smile spreads across her face. “Sothat’syour secret. Bulimia.”
