Page 11 of Don't Trust Her

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I leap from my chair, knocking it into the table behind me. “What do you want?”

“The truth! Admit it. You’re binging and purging.”

Now people are really staring.

“Lower your voice.” My voice is practically a growl.

“Have a seat.” She gestures toward my chair.


“You’re making a scene.”

Megan starts to say something, no doubt in my defense, but I’m going to stand up for myself. “You’re the one who came over here, making false accusations. What’s your angle?”

“Like I said, I thought maybe you found some weight loss secret. But I want nothing to do with bulimia. That destroys your teeth, you know. All that vomiting.”

“I’ll destroyyourteeth.” I clench my fists.

Megan nods toward my chair before turning her attention to Sylvia. “If you saw Angelina doing something so crazy, I’m sure you got a picture of that. I’d love to see it.”

Sylvia’s mouth falls open.

“You don’t have one?” Megan tilts her head. “Sounds like it’s your word against hers, and I believe Angelina.”

I love my best friend. Next time I’m buying her a case of scones.

Megan doesn’t pull her attention from Sylvia. “Show us proof or get out of here. We don’t need your bullying.”

“And I don’t needthis.” She rises, slams her chair against the table, then storms out of the coffee house.

I slink into my seat, my pulse pounding.

“Don’t listen to her.” Megan holds out a scone.

“I don’t want another dessert ever again.”

“She’s just jealous.”

“Of me?”

“That viper said as much. She thinks you look great. Why else would she want to know how you do it?”

“To make a fool of me.”

She certainly succeeded. Most everyone around us is whispering, and several of them are sneaking glances at me.

All these people think I binge on cupcakes and throw them up later. Thanks to Sylvia.

Could she have been the one watching me in the parking lot last night?

If anyone was watching me at all.


As soon as I pull into the street, tears blur my vision. I didn’t even realize they were building until now. Megan could tell I was still upset when we left the coffee shop, but I was in denial. Thought I was just angry.

At least Sylvia isn’t here to see me crying. That would probably feed her need to make me look bad.
