Page 56 of Don't Trust Her

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“Yes.” I lean over and press a kiss on his lips. My heart nearly explodes out of my chest. I’m sure he can hear it pounding.

He smiles, and I can feel him relax. After he pays the bill, we go to his Mercedes and he pulls into the parking garage of the fanciest hotel I’ve ever laid eyes on.

This is really happening.


The inside of the hotel room is like a castle. I’m almost afraid to touch anything. It seems too perfect—like everything else. Peter seems to have relaxed since we got here. He’s in the bathroom. Said he’d feel better if he could wash his face.

I step onto the balcony, which provides a breathtaking view of a lake. The steakhouse from our first date is on the other side. I can almost make out the very table where we sat.

Footsteps sound behind me.

I turn around to see Peter. He’s removed his jacket and tie and has unbuttoned the top two buttons on his shirt.

This is playing out just as I’d imagined. I give him my best smile and gesture toward the bed. “Lie down. I’ll give you that massage I was talking about.”

“Can’t turn down an offer like that.” He removes his shirt, climbs onto the bed, and lays flat on his stomach.

It takes me a moment to accept that all of this is real. I’d thought a week of living away from everything I’ve always known would be long enough, but apparently not. It must take longer than that to wipe out a lifetime of unwanted memories.

Peter mumbles something, but I can’t make it out since his face is pressed against the bed coverings. No doubt he’s eager for what I promised him. And maybe more, if I’m reading his signals right.

I climb onto the bed next to him then dig my fingers into his shoulders. He’s muscular. And tight. I hardly have any experience as a masseuse, but it isn’t exactly rocket science. I dig deeper where he’s holding tension and let up where he isn’t.

His moans of appreciation let me know I’m on the right track. This is surprisingly relaxing for me, too. I’m glad I didn’t overeat today. There’s no way I could have pulled this off after gorging at the steakhouse.

Somehow a full hour passes before I realize it.

Peter rolls over and releases a long breath. “That was amazing.”

“Glad I could help.”

“Want me to return the favor?”

“You don’t have to ask twice.” I flop on the bed.

His hands are like magic. I don’t know how I’ve managed to live my entire life without this. If I’d had it, I wouldn’t have felt the need to turn to drugs. But there’s no need to regret the past.

Not when my future is so bright. I can’t wait for the day I send Angelina packing. When our roles will finally be reversed, and she can experience what I’ve had to suffer through my whole life. She thinks she deserves all of this, but she doesn’t. Especially not at my expense.

But things will be set right. Sooner rather than later at this rate.

Peter stops my treatment almost as soon as he started. Apparently he doesn’t have the stamina I do. No worries. I can train him. Guys actually aren’t any different from dogs in that way. Or in any other way, really. They’re equally easy to mold into what you want. Just less hairy. Let them think they’re in charge then the rest is easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.

I roll over and check the time. Another hour passed? That flew even faster than the massage I gave him.

“How was that?” He gives me a crooked smile. Just when I thought he couldn’t be any hotter, he proves me wrong again.


“Good. That’s what I like to hear. I—”

I bolt upright, grab his shirt by the collar, and force my lips on his. He still tastes of the wine we drank at the restaurant. I fumble with his top button.

Beep, beep, beep!

I ignore the sound. The building could be on fire for all I care. Nothing is getting in my way now.
