Page 57 of Don't Trust Her

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Peter pulls away.

“What’s wrong?” I try to keep my disappointment from showing. Then I grab his shirt again, not about to give him a chance to answer the question.

He practically shoves me away. “That’s my phone.”

“Ignore it.”

“I can’t.”

“Sure you can. Put it on silent.”

“I’m on call.”

Anesthesiologists can be on call?

He leaps up from the bed and strides across the massive room. Looks at his phone. “Unfortunately, it’s the hospital. I have to go.”

“But you said you didn’t have to go back in today.”

“Now I do.”

“Right away?” I hate the whine in my voice, but I imagine Angelina uses that tone a lot given how spoiled she is, so I go with it.

“You know how it is when I’m on call.” He spins around and fixes his shirt and hair in the large vanity mirror.

No, I don’t know how it is when he’s on call, but that’s beside the point. I have to pretend to, as apparently Angelina’s used to this insanity.

What a time for an interruption.

He turns around and looks at me. “You know I’d stay if I could.”

“Yeah, I do.” Hopefully I sound more convincing than I feel.

“We’ll finish this tonight.” He gives me peck on the cheek then leaves the room before I have a chance to respond.

Great. Now he’s excited to get home to his wife.

One day soon, that’ll be me.

In the meantime, I have this hotel to stay in. It’s a million times better than the van, so there’s that. And I can probably stay as long as I want, given he already put his credit card on the room and the key is sitting on the table next to my purse. By the time he figures out what’s going on, I’ll have already replaced my twin sister in his house.

While this date clearly didn’t go as planned, it worked to my advantage. Now I won’t have to shower in the country club. This luxurious room is bigger than my last apartment.

I’m already living the good life.

But I’m also bored. I could turn on the TV, but I’d rather explore the building and see what else it has to offer. I’ve heard places like this have spas, gambling, movie theaters, and more. And I still have Peter’s credit card.

I slip into my shoes then step into the hallway with my head held high. Who knows what fun activities I’ll find around here?

As I round the corner, I slow. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end, and my skin is crawling. It feels like someone is watching me. This is something I’d expect in a dark alley near Mom’s double-wide, not here in this brightly lit hall. I look around, but I’m alone.

Is there somewhere for a person to hide? There are statues and large potted plants. Not ideal, but also not out of the question.

I march back in the direction I came. I stop at a potted plant just past my room. It stands where two halls meet. The leaves are shaking. Someone must have bumped it.

Somebody was just here. They had to have darted down the adjoining hall.

They’re out of sight now, but I still feel their eyes on me.
