Page 79 of Don't Trust Her

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I hate myself for what I’m about to say, but what other choice do I have? “There might be a third option.”

“I’m listening.”

I gesture for her to sit. When she finally does, I continue. “What if we confront him somewhere he can’t get away? Someplace he feels safe and won’t have a weapon on him.”

“You’re suggesting your home.”

“Or his work.”

“No, the hospital’s no good. Too many other people.”

“You’re right. My home, then.”

She leans forward. “Let’s discuss the details.”


The house is too quiet. I made sure all the kids were at sleepovers tonight—it was hardly a challenge to get any of them to agree. Now it’s just Peter and me here.

Soon Jane will be here, too. I’m almost ready to send her a text and put our plan in motion, but I can’t bring myself to pick up the phone just yet.

Knowing her, she’s already outside the door. The woman has become an expert at spying on me. She must know the kids are all gone and it’s just Peter and me here.

Time for us to confront him.

My heart hammers at the thought. Everything is going to change after this. I can’t predict how anything will play out. Obviously, I know what I want, but there are too many variables. So many things can go sideways.

Part of me wants to back out of this crazy plan, but there’s no turning back. Not now that I know about my twin sister. I’m not even sure what Peter’s thinking. He’s been so distracted and quiet lately.

He isn’t himself. But then, neither am I. Not after everything I’ve been through—learning about my adoption and a twin who wanted to replace me until Peter turned a gun on her.

I don’t think I can trust her, but that’s why she’s coming over so we cantalkto Peter. If we’re all able to express our thoughts, we might be able to work this all out. I won’t have to leave town. Nobody has to die. It’ll be perfect.

Well, maybe not perfect. I’m not sure where all of this will leave Jane. It could be possible for both of us to stay in town if she agrees to play nice. But I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to trust her after what she did.

I’ll certainly never be able to forget. She single-handedly turned most of the town against me. The people at the preschool and the police all still think I’ve lost my mind. Even if I introduce them to my identical twin, they’ll always wonder.

While most of this is her fault, I can’t entirely blame her. If what she said is true, she grew up with a druggie mom who never once put her before her next hit. Jane went through a lot of hardship I can’t even imagine—begging neighbors for meals, fighting off her mom’s boyfriends, and having to worry about stepping on used needles in her own home.

A kinder person would probably feel sorry for her. I’m having trouble. But if things go well when we talk with Peter, maybe we can find a way to help her out. All the better if that help takes place in another state. Jane and I will never have an idyllic sisterly bond.

She made sure of that.

Whatever ends up happening, I need to get Jane over here. Thinking isn’t getting anything done.

I can’t wait to put all of this behind me.

It takes me a minute, but I finally reach for my phone. Find her contact information. Text her.

She must have been waiting across the street because it takes her all of thirty seconds to respond that she’s here.

I hurry downstairs to the side door where we don’t have a doorbell camera. Something tells me I shouldn’t let her in. I ignore the little voice and reluctantly welcome in my lookalike.

“Great minds, huh?” She gestures to her clothes and then mine.

While our outfits aren’t exactly the same, we both have on turquoise shirts and dark jeans. She even has a black coat, and I’m wearing a black cardigan. As much as it annoys me, I let it go. We have far more important matters at hand. “Follow me.”

I take her to the laundry room. It’s the one place in the house I’m certain Peter won’t come into willingly.
