Page 80 of Don't Trust Her

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She leans against the closed door. “Did you find out anything else about what he’s planning?”

“No, he’s hardly said two words to me.”

“Makes perfect sense—considering he intends to kill you.” She gives me an I-told-you-so look.

“I thought he was waiting foryouto do the dirty work.”

“Poh-tay-toh, poh-tah-toh.”

“Right now, he’s watching the evening news. It’ll be the perfect time to catch him by surprise.”

“I brought this just in case.” She reaches into the inside of her jacket. Pulls out a butcher knife.

“Are you crazy?” I exclaim.

“No. I’m walking into a dangerous situation with a man who pointed a gun in my face recently. If anything, I’m underprepared.”

I rack my mind, thinking of everything in my house that could be used as a weapon. If Jane has a blade, then I’m woefully unprepared. I’ll have to grab one of my own from the kitchen. There’s no way I’ll be able to get near Nadia’s bat upstairs.

Not with Peter just a couple rooms over. I can hear the news through the wall.

“Are you ready?” Jane looks at me, her eyes filled with determination.

“I was born ready.”

Hopefully that’s true. If this doesn’t go down the way I hope, I could end up dead. I have no reason to believe Jane won’t use that knife on me.

“Wait.” She holds up a finger.


“He’s coming.”

I press my ear against the door.

Heavy footsteps echo on the hardwood floor on the other side.


Jane has one hand on the doorknob and the other hidden inside her jacket. Probably already has the knife in her grip.

The footsteps continue on the other side of the door, but so far Peter hasn’t come near us. That isn’t to say he won’t.

“What’s he doing?” Jane whispers.

I shrug.

“He isn’t going to do laundry, is he?”

“Fat chance.”

She relaxes a little.

We wait.

He must be pacing. The footsteps continue, but he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

Jane’s gaze darts around the room. “He must know we’re in here.”
