Page 84 of Don't Trust Her

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The girls are laughing again, oblivious to the very real, very near threat. If I don’t return to the laundry room soon, Jane is going to come out here brandishing the knife.

“Planning something fun?” I ask Dakota and her friend.

“Why?” My stepdaughter glances my way. “Want to come along?”

She and Lydia burst into another fit of giggles.

“I just didn’t think you’d want to hang out with us old people.”

“Who’s old?” Peter asks.

The girls laugh, exchanging looks.

I reach for the snacks. “I’ll even wrap these up for you to eat on the go.”

Dakota puts her hands on her hips. “What’s going on? Why are you trying to get rid of us?”

“It isn’t like that.” Beads of sweat are starting to form on my forehead. “I can explain everything later.”

“I’d be interested to hear that,” Peter mumbles.

Lydia nudges Dakota. “Maybe they want to get it on, and we’re interrupting that.”

“Ew!” Dakota grimaces. “Just ew. Those are my parents, you know.”

Lydia giggles.

Footsteps sound in the direction of the laundry room.

“Go!” I wave frantically toward the door.

Dakota’s eyes widen, and Lydia whips her head toward the footsteps.

Jane steps into the kitchen. She glances my way. “Sorry, I couldn’t wait any longer.”

I turn to Peter. “I, uh, think we have trouble.”

“What the…?” Dakota’s eyes widen as she looks back and forth between Jane and me.

“Are you two twins?” Lydia asks.

I step closer to Jane, but my gaze is on the girls. “You two need to leave. Now.”

“Why?” Jane asks. “This could be fun.”

Dakota looks at me. “What’s going on?”

My heart hammers, overriding all other noise for a moment. The girls weren’t supposed to be here, and they aren’t leaving. Why won’t they go?

I study Peter and Jane carefully. Neither have readable expressions. I should’ve grabbed a knife while I had the chance. Now I can’t do that without anyone noticing.

“Who’s the real Angelina?” Dakota asks.

“You need to go.” I plead with my eyes. “I’ll explain everything later. I promise.”

My stepdaughter doesn’t budge.

Jane pulls out her enormous blade. “I think you should listen to her.”
