Page 85 of Don't Trust Her

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“Go!” Peter leaps in front of her.

Lydia screams.

I turn to Dakota. “Will you leavenow?”

Her eyes widen, and they look like they’re about to pop out of her sockets.

Lydia grabs Dakota’s arm and tugs her.

Peter whips out a gun. He aims it at Jane, then at me.

“Peter!” I yell. “It’sme! Your wife.”

He narrows his eyes, and his gaze darts back and forth between us. “You two look exactly the same! How did she get in here? We changed the codes.”

My last meal threatens to come up.

“I let her in.” Jane points at me.

“No!” I reach for a knife from the block.

Peter shoves my hand out of the way. “Not so fast, Jane.”

“I’m Angelina!”

“Sure you are.” He gives me a dismissive wave with his free hand.

I turn to the girls. “Go! Now!”

They finally listen.

But I don’t hear the front door open or close. No chirping sounds, either.

They’re still in the house.

I try to reach for a knife, but Peter won’t move out of my way.

“What’s going on here?” he asks.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I glare at my sister, who is obviously not on my side after all. “She’s trying to take over my life. It’s been going on for weeks. She even trickedyou. Your lunch dates? Not with me!”

Jane glowers at me. “That’s because you’re the fraud.”

“I’m Angelina, and you know it, Jane.”

She snickers, and turns to Peter. “Isn’t it cute how she thinks she can trick us, honey?”

Peter shoves me from the counter. “You need to leave.”

“This is my house!Ourhouse.” I look into his eyes. “You have to be able to tell that I’m me.”

“Prove it,” Jane says.

I glare at her. “How about you prove it, imposter?”

Jane rolls her eyes before playing with Peter’s hair. “Can you believe her? Trying to worm her way into our lives and act like she’s me? It’s pretty pathetic.”

“I’m the real Angelina!” I cup Peter’s chin and turn his head so he’s looking at me. “Remember when we got married? Our daughters made the most adorable flower girls.”
