Page 86 of Don't Trust Her

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Jane rolls her eyes. “You think that proves anything? I remember when Nadia burst into tears halfway through the ceremony because one of the stained glass windows scared her. My poor baby. I’ll never be able to forget that.”

My mouth falls open. “How did you know about that?”

“Because I was there. I’m not the imposter!”

Peter stands next to my evil twin and wraps his arm around her.

I cannot let her get away with this. Over my dead body. I reach for a knife. Pull out one of those enormous fork things. I throw that on the floor and grab another knife. It’s smaller than Jane’s, but it’s better than nothing.

Everything goes dark. Even the clock on the microwave is off.

The power is out.

I glance out the window. Our next door neighbors have lights shining from their windows.

It’s just us.

Footsteps scramble around the kitchen.

A hand grabs my arm. Squeezes. Pulls me.

I scream. Kick and hit with my free hand. Can’t use the knife. The hand presses that arm against my side so that it’s useless.

“Jane, you need to give up your ruse,” comes my sister’s voice. Now she’s on the other side of the room.

“You’re the imposter!”

“Can you believe her, Peter? The only way to recover our lives is to get rid of her. Nobody will miss her. I certainly won’t.”

I manage to free myself from the grip on my arm. My eyes haven’t adjusted to the darkness yet. I’m walking around blind with this knife.

I feel my way around the counter, not bumping into anyone. My best bet might be to get outside and deal with them later. I’ll find a way to prove that I’m me, and that my sister is the fake.

A bright light shines.

Peter has a flashlight. It flickers before going out.

But now I know where both he and Jane are.

Blue and red lights shine outside, lighting up the kitchen walls. The police are here.

I run toward Jane, grasping my knife with the blade aimed her way.

A gunshot rings out.

For a moment, I think my eardrums have shattered. Then ringing sounds, making it impossible to hear anything else.

The front door bursts open. Footsteps thunder inside.

Peter grabs the knife from my hand.

I fall to my knees.

“Police! Drop your weapons!”

Bright flashlights shine on our faces and around the room.

“Hands in the air!”
