Page 89 of Don't Trust Her

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“It really was the only way to draw her in. I figured if Peter thought up the idea, the least I could do was go along with it.”

“Still, people were talking.”

She rolls her eyes. “People around here are always gossiping about something. With all the drama around Jane’s death and her plot to kill you and step into your life, everyone has completely forgotten about you and David spending a little time together.”

“But if they hadn’t, I’d have felt so bad.”

“Your life is more important than some silly rumors.” She glances around me. “Trevor! Don’t push your sister!” She turns to me. “Excuse me.”

“Of course.”

Peter and his brother are deep in conversation. He glances over at me and gives me a big smile.

I can’t take my eyes off him. Even though it’s been a few weeks and everything has pretty much returned back to normal, I still have a hard time believing what he did for me. I always knew he was a good man, but what he did was above and beyond the call of a husband.

He didn’t have to do what he did. Yet he made that choice. He could’ve gone to jail, but he didn’t give it a second thought.

My husband risked everything for me. How could I ever have doubted him?

Peter comes over and pours more wine into my glass. “How are you feeling?”

“Never better.”

“Do you need anything else?”

He’s been especially doting since that night—that’s what we call it now.Thatnight. Not the night my twin died. Not the night she tried to murder me.

“I don’t need anything other than you.” I ruffle his hair.

He gives me a wide smile and loops an arm around my waist. We lean over the balcony and watch the kids playing. Sophie and Owen are running around with their cousins while Nadia and Dakota laugh at something on one of their phones.

“Burgers are almost ready!” David calls. “Who wants the first one?”

Peter raises his hand. “Angelina does. I’ll get it.”

He gives me a kiss then hurries over to his brother. After loading a hamburger with condiments, he brings it to me. As he tops off my wine glass, he says, “Mind if I get a burger for myself?”

“Of course not.”

Ever sincethat night, Peter has been giving me the royal treatment. I keep waiting for things to return to normal, but so far they haven’t. It probably takes a lot of time for some people to move past killing someone in defense of a loved one.

Maybe it’s easier on me because I know that if it wasn’t her, it would’ve been me. I’m alive, and my twin didn’t take over my life. I can't believe she tried to come between Peter and me and actually thought she would get away with it.

The man is clearly devoted to me.

He smiles at me from behind the barbecue as if to prove the point.

I give him a little wave and dig into my burger. Just the way I like it. Peter knows me better than I know myself, which is why he was eventually able to see through my twin.

Once he figured out who she was, he wanted to find out why she was playing her games. He played along. Pretended to think she was me. Strung her along as much as she tried stringing him.

The druggie should’ve known a doctor would be far smarter than she could ever hope to be. But she was such a narcissist, she thought she had the upper hand. Even that worked in our favor.

After he lied about wanting to kill me, Peter thought she might not have believed him. She’d have been smart not to, because Peter would never do anything to hurt me. But she didn’t know that. That was when he told me what was going on.

Everything changed after I found out about having a twin. I told him immediately, and we pieced everything together. At first, I was furious that he’d spent time with her. Couldn’t he have figured out the difference between me and another woman? We might have been able to figure out what was going on sooner. But he convinced me to focus on the future instead of the past.

He invited David and his family over, and that was when we came up with the idea of my fake affair with David. I didn’t like the idea, but Peter convinced us it was the only way we could trap Jane.
