Page 90 of Don't Trust Her

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Peter was right, of course. And it worked out perfectly.

He didn’t kill my sister. Peter shot the floor to distract Jane. He didn’t shoot a wall or ceiling because he didn’t know where Dakota and Lydia were. We have no basement, so the floor was the only safe option.

And the distraction worked perfectly.

I was worried for a moment since my ears rang so hard they hurt, but it wasn’t enough to keep me from lunging at my lookalike. The blade went into her chest with surprising ease. She went down quickly, grabbing at my clothes but unable to hold on. If she said anything, I didn’t hear it. Not with the raging ringing that threatened to collapse my ear drums.

Peter took the bloody knife from my hands. I then knelt and splattered her blood on myself. He covered the handle in his fingerprints and took the fall, not knowing if the police would believe his story of trying to protect me.

But they did. It pays to be a paragon of virtue like my husband.

Now our family is still together. Peter goes into work every day like always. I stay home and make sure the kids get where they need to, keeping the house clean and hot meals ready every morning and evening.

Everything is ideal, except for the glimmer of doubt in my husband’s eyes. Behind every doting action, I can see the doubt in his expression. Maybe he wonders what else I’m capable of. If he turns on me, will he end up like my sister?

For now, all is well. Why would I want anything to ruin the dream life we have? Besides, it isn’t like we have to worry that I’m losing my mind. I’m not even biologically related to my dad or brother.

There’s no reason we won’t have this beautiful existence for the rest of our lives.

Unless, of course, Peter ever tries to kill me.



Many years ago.

My heart nearly explodes with joy when the nurse brings in the tiny baby girl wrapped in a hospital blanket.

Next to me, Laverne lets out a gasp and squeezes my hand so hard she nearly breaks it. “She didn’t change her mind?”

The nurse shakes her head and smiles widely as she sets the bundle in my wife’s arms. “Congratulations! It’s a girl. What are you going to name her?”

“Angelina,” Laverne says quickly and turns to me. “I can’t believe we have a daughter. Isn’t she beautiful?”

I glance down at the baby. “She sure is.”

Another nurse comes in with a small bottle. “The baby is going to need to eat before you leave. Who wants to feed her?”

Laverne glances at me. “Do you want to?”

She’s nervous because initially I was against adoption. Probably thinks I might change my mind at any moment.

What she doesn’t know is that she has nothing to worry about. I’ll never give up this baby.

“I’d love to.”

Relief floods my wife’s face. We sit in the nearest chairs, and she hands Angelina to me.

I get comfortable, then once I have the bottle, I nudge it against the baby’s precious little lips. They have the same shape as my mother’s.

Hopefully Laverne won’t notice.

Angelina makes a noise, and her eyes flutter open. She has my eyes. Also my nose.

My heart skips a beat. Laverne will surely noticethat. If not now, then at some point. We’re going to have her until she goes to college, though that feels like a lifetime away.

So far, at least, nobody else sees the strong resemblance between my daughter and me.
